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Showing posts from January, 2014

Back to the Future musical announced

A stage musical of the cult 80's time travelling movie, Back to the Future is set to debut in London's West End in 2015. Robert Zemeckis, who co-wrote and directed the 1985 Michael J Fox film, will reunite with co-writer Bob Gale to pen the book for the stage adaptation. According to Gale, the musical will be "true to the spirit of the film without being a slavish remake".  We intend to use music from the movie along with brand new songs to make a version of Back to the Future that is fresh, entertaining and takes advantage of all the amazing things that can now be done on stage.  We can't think of a better way to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the film." Composer Alan Silvestri - who scored many of Zemeckis's films, including Romancing the Stone, Forrest Gump and Cast Away - will co-author the music and lyrics for the show with songwriter Glen Ballard. Ballard, a six-time Grammy winner, co-wrote and produced Alanis Morissette's Jagged ...

New Episode Of RebelForce Radio Now Out. Star Wars Rebels The Hot Topic.

It's Friday, lets celebrate the weekend with a top notch new RebelForce Radio.  Our hosts are all over the new Star Wars Rebels and discuss the latest addition to the Star Wars universe, Chopper. NEW SHOW! A new character from "Star Wars Rebels" has been announced! Hear what we think about the droid Chopper, what inspired his look and who he reminds us of. Also, Jimmy Mac reports about his trip to the Sundance Film Festival and the screening of the Roger Ebert documentary "Life Itself" which features voice work by "Star Wars: The Clone Wars" alum Stephen Stanton (Capt. Tarkin), including an exclusive interview with Stephen himself. Plus, we received a ton of feedback about the hot topics presented in last week’s show: The popularity of Han Solo and a potential Boba Fett reboot. You guys certainly let your opinions be known! All this along with the first winner of our Little Debbie giveaway, Key & Peele’s "Lando’s Fan", and the debut...

'The Films Of Steven Spielberg.' (One of the best video tributes ever.)

This is one of the best video tributes to the movies of Steven Spielberg I've seen in a long time.   Kudos to  Kees van Dijkhuizen jr.  for putting this together.  Follow him on Twitter A short montage celebrating the work of Steven Spielberg. Set to music from John Williams. [the films of] was a 12-part, yearlong project on YouTube, created to showcase some of our time's finest filmmakers. It has been an amazing journey for me, and hopefully for some of the thousands of viewers who have supported me this past year. I have gained a new perspective on film and the process behind it, and my passion for the medium has grown to new heights. I want to thank everyone who accompanied me during this project, and I hope it was as satisfying watching it as it was creating it. [the films of] is a collection by Kees van Dijkhuizen, which focusses on the inspiring filmmakers that shape film as we know it, visualising t...

John Rhys-Davies At Cardiff Film & Comic Con March 1st-2nd. The Bearded Trio Attending

Just a heads up, its one month until Cardiff Film & Comic Con.  John Rhys-Davies will be attending and we will be there to report on the event.  Let us know if you're attending and say hello. THE BEARDED TRIO ON FACEBOOK THE BEARDED TRIO ON TWITTER THE BEARDED TRIO ON GOOGLE+

Oxygen The Music of John Williams Podcast Now Out. Not To Be Missed.

A podcast dedicated to the music of John Williams?  Some things just sound perfect don't they? David Collins returns to provide deep analysis for John Williams’s music of Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. We talk about many minor themes from the soundtrack including The Rebel Fanfare and the evolution of Darth Vader’s Theme. Plus, David presents us with statistics about how often you hear certain themes throughout the movie. Geeky? Maybe. Totally cool? Definitely! What do you think was the most used piece of music in the original Star Wars film? The answer may surprise you! Also, we place the track Attack of the Sand People side-by-side with the chase music from The Planet of the Apes and compare the two in an attempt to find an influence. All this and much more this month on Star Wars Oxygen! Listen Now THE BEARDED TRIO ON FACEBOOK THE BEARDED TRIO ON TWITTER THE BEARDED TRIO ON GOOGLE+

Photos OF The Day: The Empire Strikes Back Lost Scene - The Wampa Attack

Rare photos from a scene ultimately deleted from The Empire Strikes Back, the Wampa attack or from these photos, the aftermath. THE BEARDED TRIO ON FACEBOOK THE BEARDED TRIO ON TWITTER THE BEARDED TRIO ON GOOGLE+

VIDEO: Behind the Magic: The Visual Effects of "Star Trek Into Darkness"

From ILM's official Youtube channel "Star Trek Into Darkness" contains over 1600 visual effects shots, created by Industrial Light & Magic, Pixomondo, Atomic Fiction and Kelvin Optical Inc. In this reel, we'll take a look at ILM's work which encompassed virtually every tool and discipline in our effects arsenal. THE BEARDED TRIO ON FACEBOOK THE BEARDED TRIO ON TWITTER THE BEARDED TRIO ON GOOGLE+

Steven Spielberg Set For Lincoln Leadership Prize

Good news for Spielberg as he is in line to receive another award, this time the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library Foundation are set to present their award to the film director and join the likes such as Desmond Tutu and Bill Clinton. The Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library Foundation will award Steve Spielberg its annual Lincoln Leadership Prize. The award will be presented to Spielberg at a dinner at the Hilton Chicago on March 19. Sally Field, who portrayed Mary Todd Lincoln in Spielberg’s “Lincoln,” will make the presentation. “We are pleased to present this year’s Lincoln Leadership Prize to Steven Spielberg, who brings socially relevant issues to the forefront of our minds through the medium of film,” said Wayne W. Whalen, chairman of the foundation. “Additionally, his long-time commitment to philanthropic endeavors exemplifies President Lincoln’s conscience and spirit, making him truly deserving of this award.” This is an extraordinary honor,” Spielberg said in sta...

THX Tune-UP App Now Available For Android Devices.

The excellent THX tune-up app is no longer exclusive to iOS devices.  Now you can download the app for Android devices. Android users can also download the THX tune-up app to optimize sound and picture on TVs, projectors and speaker systems. The app from George Lucas-founded THX can adjust your set’s contrast, brightness and aspect ratio settings once connected via HDMI. The app also utilizes a device’s built-in camera to make color and tint adjustments. THX Extras Play extraordinary THX trailers to show off your newly tuned TV and sound system Show off your audio system with the push of a button by playing “THX Deep Note” in 5.1 surround, just like in the cinema (phone or tablet must be connected via HDMI cable) Turn your phone or tablet into a “moo can” – tilt it to hear the “moo” Have a question for THX, or just want to provide feedback? Ask Tex! Device Requirements THX tune-up works on the following mobile devices with Android OS 4.2.2 or later. HTC One HTC O...

Actual Velociraptor Cage From Jurassic Park Up For Sale On Ebay

Remember the scene from Jurassic Park where a Velociraptor is trying to be caged.  You know the one..."Shooot her!  Shooot her!"  Yep that's the one.  Well that actual cage is up for sale on Ebay. The item, which is being sold by Theme Park Connection, has been viewed over 380,000 times and attracted in the region of 150 bids, the highest of which is currently just over £60,000. With a further eight days to go before the auction closes, this figure is likely to increase significantly. Described on eBay as "one of the most recognisable props from Steven Spielberg's 1993 worldwide hit, Jurassic Park," the item also comes with a full-size Velociraptor prop. View the listing here  and the scene from the movie below Source: Telegraph THE BEARDED TRIO ON FACEBOOK THE BEARDED TRIO ON TWITTER THE BEARDED TRIO ON GOOGLE+

Chris Pratt Finally Confirms His Part In Jurassic World

In what has become the worst kept secret so far for Jurassic World, Chris Pratt has finally confirmed his role in Jurassic World.  After photos of him with Bryce Dallas Howard being tweeted by Ron Howard with the words "looking forward to seeing them in Jurassic" and other "confirmations" that the Guardians of the Galaxy star is set to be in the latest Jurassic Park movie, yesterday we finally got confirmation. “For me, Jurassic Park was really kind of my Star Wars,” Pratt told QMI Agency Sunday at Legoland California, where he and fellow Lego Movie castmembers were promoting the animated comedy. “I lined up at the theatre to see it, I saw it opening night, I saw every sequel, I’ve seen it a whole bunch of times… for me that was my big movie, I think I was 13 or 14 when it came out,” Pratt said. “And so it’s a big deal for me to be any part of that, let alone this part I’m going to be playing. I’m thrilled about it.” Source: TorontoSun THE BEARDED TRIO...

Abrams Wants To Keep Star Wars VII Spoiler Free Right To The Opening Of Movie.

We know he loves to keep secrets.  J.J. Abrams is no fan of the spoiler seeker.  Lost is a good example, keeping everyone waiting until the (ultimately disappointing) end.  Cloverfield made you guess and contemplate what exactly was it that hit the water in the trailer.  Star Trek Into Darkness had a spoiler free opening with Cumberbatch playing a character that made everyone raise their eyebrows.  Well it seems Star Wars VII is going to be holding it's cards close to it's chest if the director gets his way. In an interview with The Telegraph , the director of the upcoming 'Star Wars: Episode VII' reveals that he's more at home when a project is shrouded in secrecy… even if it didn't work out quite so well in 'Star Trek Into Darkness'. "We were trying to preserve the unexpected for the audience," he said about the decision to keep Benedict Cumberbatch's character a secret. "But it came across as if we were trying to be too cleve...

VIDEO: A 15 Minute John Williams Tribute To Some Of His Finest

Youtuber Sean Mcdougall brings us this impressive 15 minute tribute to our favourite composer, John Williams.  Hurry as I feel this may not be on Youtube that long.  Sean writes: I was watching Home Alone during the holidays (which John Williams scored) and felt inspired to do a montage of some of his most famous soundtracks. Enjoy!An Missing your favourite?  Let us know on our Facebook page. THE BEARDED TRIO ON FACEBOOK THE BEARDED TRIO ON TWITTER THE BEARDED TRIO ON GOOGLE+

Sarah Marshall From Star Trek Dies Age 80

Sarah Marshall, from Star Trek has sadly died on Jan. 18 at her home in Los Angeles. She was 80. Ms. Marshall’s first film was “The Long, Hot Summer” (1958), with Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward. She appeared with Kevin Kline and Sigourney Weaver in Ivan Reitman’s political comedy “Dave” (1993) and with Michelle Pfeiffer in “Dangerous Minds” (1995). She was a mainstay on television, appearing on shows from “Alfred Hitchcock Presents” to “Cheers.” In 1962 she played a woman whose daughter vanishes into the fourth dimension in the “Twilight Zone” episode “Little Girl Lost,” and in 1967 she played a former love interest of William Shatner’s Capt. James T. Kirk in the “Star Trek” episode “The Deadly Years.” Source: NYTimes THE BEARDED TRIO ON FACEBOOK THE BEARDED TRIO ON TWITTER THE BEARDED TRIO ON GOOGLE+

ABC Order Pilot Episode Of Amblin's "The Visitor"

ABC has ordered a pilot episode to Amblin's new TV drama, The Visitors.  The new pilot episode, with hope to being a series is based on Ray Bradbury's "Zero Hour." Amblin TV is co-producing with Dawn Olmstead’s Grady Girl. Olmstead found the short story and brought it to Amblin TV, which developed it with writer Soo Hugh, who has worked on Amblin’s "The River" and "Under The Dome." "The Visitors" chronicles the race against the clock to defeat an unseen alien enemy out to destroy the world using our most precious resource against us. ABC Studios is producing. Olmstead and Hugh are exec producing along with Amblin’s Darryl Frank, Justin Falvey, and Steven Spielberg. Source: THE BEARDED TRIO ON FACEBOOK THE BEARDED TRIO ON TWITTER THE BEARDED TRIO ON GOOGLE+

30 Minute Video Showing Star Wars Trilogy Arcade Run Through.

Sit back, relax and enjoy a 30 minute video showing the run through of the classic Star Wars Trilogy arcade game.  Thanks to Xyphoe on Youtube who uploaded this "guaranteed to make you smile" video. Longplay of "Star Wars Trilogy" the popular and brilliant Sega arcade game / coin-op from 1998! Played via emulation on PC. PLEASE READ - * This isn't actually MAME I'm playing this on, but in fact the new "Supermodel" emulator ("A Sega Model 3 Arcade Emulator") which more accurately emulates the arcade game than MAME currently does. You can get it here - * The game still has *graphical glitches*, most apparent on the Endor stage, the final death star run and sadly the lightsabre duels. However as you can see it's still very playable! Sound quality isn't brilliant, and not a recording/compression issue - it is as it sounds when you play. * I'm no expert on this game, I spent a lot of time in th...

Original Empire Strike Back Documentary Featuring John Williams

This original documentary on the making of The Empire Strikes Back has a segment on John Williams.  In it the composer himself talks about the work involved in creating a masterpiece THE BEARDED TRIO ON FACEBOOK THE BEARDED TRIO ON TWITTER THE BEARDED TRIO ON GOOGLE+

BREAKING NEWS: Mark Hamill Still Waiting On Star Wars VII News

Mark Hamill has joined the Reddit revolution and decided to do an "AMA" thread tonight.  AMA stands for Ask Me Anything.  I decided to tune in and obviously the majority of questions that were  being thrown at the actor were about his involvement in Star Wars VII.  After about an hour of ignoring the question on Star Wars VII we finally get some news and it's not the exclusive everyone was expecting.  Hamill said: Haha. I’m not being coy, really. When I find something out, I’ll let everybody know. But nothing has been decided yet. When questioned about today's news that Carrie Fisher has confirmed their involvement in the new movie, his response was also tight lipped: The only character I know for sure is returning is my friend R2-D2. He hasn’t stopped beeping about it. With the script recently being announced as finished surely they must know by now if Luke features or not?  He certainly is keeping his cards close to his Jedi robe. Stay tuned. ...

Carrie Fisher Confirms Her Part In Star Wars VII

It seems that Carrie Fisher has confirmed her role in Star Wars VII. write: The latest talk of this cinematic reunion in Episode VII comes our way via the one and only Carrie Fisher, taken from TV Guide Online and the always incomparable Jedi News. As for the next Star Wars film, Fisher says she, Harrison Ford and Mark Hamill are expected to report to work in March or April. "I'd like to wear my old [cinnamon buns] hairstyle again — but with white hair," she says. "I think that would be funny." According to Metro newspaper, shooting on the new Star Wars film will be starting on May 4th. Source: Jedi News and BubbleNews THE BEARDED TRIO ON FACEBOOK THE BEARDED TRIO ON TWITTER THE BEARDED TRIO ON GOOGLE+

VIDEO: Two ILM Featurettes Showing Work Done On Pacific Rim

Love it or hate it, one thing you can't deny is the impressive work done by Industrial Light & Magic for Pacific Rim.  To illustrate their efforts, which is rapidly picking up many award nominations ILM bring us two featurettes on their work involved for the movie. THE BEARDED TRIO ON FACEBOOK THE BEARDED TRIO ON TWITTER THE BEARDED TRIO ON GOOGLE+

Video: Going Behind The Scenes With John Williams and Scoring The Terminal

Video from The Terminal DVD going behind the scenes on John Williams scoring the soundtrack to the film starring Tom Hanks.  Interviews from Steven Spielberg THE BEARDED TRIO ON FACEBOOK THE BEARDED TRIO ON TWITTER THE BEARDED TRIO ON GOOGLE+

Photo Of The Day: Spielberg, Hanks And Obama

Actor Tom Hanks, left, and director Steven Spielberg, right, have front row seats at a recent White House screening of the first episode of their HBO WWII miniseries.  Read more about this story here. THE BEARDED TRIO ON FACEBOOK THE BEARDED TRIO ON TWITTER THE BEARDED TRIO ON GOOGLE+

New Spielberg Produced Extant Trailer Hits The Web

A new teaser hits the web for the Spielberg produced CBS show, EXTANT that will debut on Wednesday, July 2 (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT).  It doesn't give anything away and leaves more questions that answers. "EXTANT" is a mystery thriller about a female astronaut, Molly (Halle Berry), who is trying to reconnect with her family when she returns after a year in outer space. Her experiences lead to events that ultimately will change the course of human history. Camryn Manheim plays Sam Barton, Molly’s best friend. "Extant" is a co-production of CBS Television Studios and Amblin Television. Steven Spielberg , Greg Walker, Mickey Fisher, who wrote the script, Brooklyn Weaver, Justin Falvey, and Darryl Frank will serve as executive producers. Halle Berry will serve as co-executive producer. Source THE BEARDED TRIO ON FACEBOOK THE BEARDED TRIO ON TWITTER THE BEARDED TRIO ON GOOGLE+

Spielberg Attends Indie Film Premier On Saturday With Kate Capshaw

Steven Spielberg attended a movie premier on Saturday night and the movie was a small independent movie called Young Ones, a film about a family trying to survive in a future where water has run out. The famous director made the trek to Park City to support his godson, Jake Paltrow, who helmed the drama starring Michael Shannon, Elle Fanning, Nicholas Hoult and Kodi Smit-McPhee. Source: Hollywood Reporter THE BEARDED TRIO ON FACEBOOK THE BEARDED TRIO ON TWITTER THE BEARDED TRIO ON GOOGLE+

ILM VIDEO: INDUSTRIAL LIGHT & MAGIC Behind the Magic: Building Jaegers for "Pacific Rim"

From ILM's official Youtube channel: The story of "Pacific Rim" is told on an epic scale, where 250-foot tall combat mechs battle similarly sized giant alien monsters in the ocean off of the coast of major cities, and when that fails, in the cities themselves. Scale is a recurring theme throughout the film, where a large threat is countered with a large response, making humans tiny in this new out scale world. ILM's visual effects team discusses the design, effects and animation of these incredible machines in this video. We hope you enjoy it. THE BEARDED TRIO ON FACEBOOK THE BEARDED TRIO ON TWITTER THE BEARDED TRIO ON GOOGLE+

Spielberg tops Oprah as ‘most influential’ celebrity

Forbes Magazine have published their annual "most influential" celebrities and Steven Spielberg has regained the top spot after Oprah Winfrey occupied top spot. Director Steven Spielberg on Wednesday dethroned media mogul Oprah Winfrey as the most influential celebrity in the United States, according to an annual study by Forbes magazine that was dominated by film directors. Spielberg’s influence was boosted by his most recent film, “Lincoln,” which earned 12 Oscar nominations last year including best picture and best direction, and grossed $275 million at the global box office. The magazine said the 67-year-old director’s ability to attract foreigners to a U.S. drama about the back-room dealings and minutiae of 19th-century Washington politics spoke to his prowess. “Lincoln” grossed $93 million in foreign markets. Forbes said that 47 percent of people surveyed rated Spielberg as influential. “A celebrity’s ‘Influential’ score represents how that person is perceived as...

Jamie Bell Says Tintin 2 Is Still Happening. Story Has Been Written

 IGN recently caught up with Tintin star, Jamie Bell and got straight to the burning question.  Is Tintin 2 going to happen? "It's being written," Bell said when asked if he'd read a script yet. "It's weird," the actor contained. "I saw Steven [Spielberg] recently, randomly. I bumped into him. I hadn't seen him for awhile, and we were talking. I asked him to sign a Tintin book for me to my unborn son and stuff, and we were talking about it. He was like, 'Yeah, it's happening. It's being written. As soon as Peter's back from Middle-earth, we're going to do it.'" So now I'm just waiting." Tintin 2 has been delayed due to Peter Jackson's love affair with Hobbits.  News on the story has been considerably rare.  Hints from Kathleen Kennedy, the producer has hinted at the story being adapted from The Calculus Affair.  Jackson has also mentioned a story, Destination Moon and Explorers of the Moon.  I lik...

Fox Order "Red Band Society" Spielberg Executive Produced.

Spielberg's success in TV seems to continue with Fox ordering his latest executive produced comedy. FOX adds comedic soap "Red Band Society" to its list of potential new series. The network has given a go to the project from executive producers Steven Spielberg, Margaret Nagle ("Boardwalk Empire"), Justin Falvey ("Under the Dome"), Darryl Frank ("Under the Dome") and Sergio Aguero with a series prototype and additional backup scripts order. To feature dark humor, the show follows a group of teenagers living as patients in the children's wing of a hospital who become unlikely friends and a surrogate family. It's based on the acclaimed Spanish series "Polseres Vermelles". Source: THE BEARDED TRIO ON FACEBOOK THE BEARDED TRIO ON TWITTER THE BEARDED TRIO ON GOOGLE+

Disney Abandons Star Wars 1313 Trademark

Bad news for Star Wars 1313.  The much anticipated Star Wars game is more dead today than ever as news reaches us that Disney have chosen not to renew the trademark for the game.   Escapist writes : Disney has chosen not to renew the Star Wars 1313 trademark. All hope is lost. Even after Disney laid off the entire staff at LucasArts, many gamers thought that Star Wars 1313 would survive the transition. After all, the game was supposedly deep into development, and completing an unfinished title is typically more cost effective than starting over. However, when Electronic Arts took over the Star Wars franchise, the chances of Star Wars 1313 being resurrected practically disintegrated. And just before Christmas, Disney failed to renew the title's trademark, which officially asphyxiates any remaining hope. The United States Patent and Trademark Office currently classifies Star Wars 1313 as "Abandoned because no Statement of Use or Extension Request timely filed after Notice...

Melee Town 3D - Monkey Island FPS

 This 3D version of Melee Island created by Jochen Isensee  was made using the ever reliable and mod friendly Half Life.  Jochen writes: What a rush of nostalgia. Lately somebody reminded of the Half-Life Map i created from the Melee Island Town, that shabby piratedump in „Monkey Island". I rediscovered it in a 2004 backup of my website. Meanwhile this became a nostalgia double-feature, because the first part of Half-Life got ready for musuem as well as it has written computergame history too. Where are time-traveling not only back into the most charming caribbean adventuregame ever but also into a time when brushwork and polycount where everything while creating Half-Life Maps whith Valve's Hammer Editor 3,2. Here you can hang around in the Scummbar, pay a visit to the church, the prison and do some side-seeing in the servers beyound the dead end which we have encountered in the „Le Chuck's Revenge for the first time. And it there has never been such a freedom of m...

John Williams Becomes Most Nominated Composer

Composer John Williams' 49th nomination makes him the most nominated living person. CNN's Kyung Lah reports THE BEARDED TRIO ON FACEBOOK THE BEARDED TRIO ON TWITTER THE BEARDED TRIO ON GOOGLE+

Lucasfilm New "SandCrawler" Building In Singapore Starts To Receive Workers

Today saw the official opening of Lucasfilm's impressive new "sandcrawler" building in Singapore. Lucasfilm Ltd., the company founded by “Star Wars” creator George Lucas, is moving its Singapore office into a new building owned by the filmmaker as it expects to increase its workforce by about 10 percent. The company plans to add as many as 40 people in Singapore by the end of this year, David Anderman, general manager at Lucasfilm, said in an interview in the island-state today, where he was visiting for the opening of the new office.  The new office is part of the 22,500-square-meter (242,190 square-foot) “Sandcrawler” building, named after a large vehicle featured in a Star Wars film because of its shape. The property, located in a southwest Singapore suburb, has a 100-seat theater and retail space, according to the statement. Source: Bloomberg THE BEARDED TRIO ON FACEBOOK THE BEARDED TRIO ON TWITTER THE BEARDED TRIO ON GOOGLE+

Oscar Nominations Announced. John Williams and ILM Up For Oscars

American Hustle and space movie Gravity lead this year's Oscar nominations with 10 nods each.  Good news for John Williams and Industrial Light & Magic as they have also picked up Oscar nominations. Announced today, the nominations are for the 86th Oscars to be held on March 2nd.  Industrial Light & Magic picked up a couple of nominations for The Lone Ranger and Star Trek Into Darkness while John Williams continues to find recognition for his Book Thief soundtrack. Here’s the full list of nominations: BEST PICTURE: 12 Years a Slave Captain Phillips Gravity Philomena The Wolf of Wall Street Nebraska American Hustle Dallas Buyers Club Her BEST DIRECTOR: David O Russell - American Hustle Alfonso Cuaron - Gravity Alexander Payne - Nebraska Steve McQueen - 12 Years a Slave Martin Scorsese - The Wolf of Wall Street BEST ACTOR IN A LEADING ROLE: Christian Bale - American Hustle Bruce Dern - Nebraska Leonardo DiCaprio - The Wolf of Wall Street C...

George Lucas hopes a “radically different’’ design will get his museum back on track

George Lucas is about to present a "radically different" design that will hopefully get the backing he needs to bring his $300 million museum to San Francisco's Crissy Field. “Star Wars” creator George Lucas hopes a “radically different’’ design will finally get the Force behind his plan for a $300 million museum across from San Francisco’s Crissy Field. Lucas spokesman David Perry said the new plan to be delivered Friday “reflects real listening and real adaptability” to the Presidio Trust’s concerns. For the past year, Lucas has been playing dodge ball with critics at the trust and the public in general who have objected to his museum’s 60-foot height and Beaux Arts design, saying they didn’t don’t fit in with the park’s shoreline. “I think we were very clear that building wasn’t going to fly,’’ Nancy Bechtle, president of the Presidio Trust board, told us Tuesday. The Presidio Trust is scheduled to review the revised plans from all three applicants for the ...

Plastic Galaxy Documentary Now Out! Check Out The Trailer. The Story Of Star Wars Toys

Its here.  It's finally here.  If you collect Star Wars toys and in particular the vintage Kenner Star Wars range then this is the documentary for you.  Check out the trailer below and be sure to head over to their site and place your order for the DVD now. THE BEARDED TRIO ON FACEBOOK THE BEARDED TRIO ON TWITTER THE BEARDED TRIO ON GOOGLE+

Episode 4 Of Star Wars Influences Now Out With Jimmy Mac And Paul Bateman

Head over to Shotglass Digital for the latest episode of Star Wars Influences with Paul Bateman and Jimmy Mac. Paul Bateman joins Jimmy Mac for reaction to the news that Star Wars comics will be going back to Marvel starting in 2015. We talk about our personal favorite highlights of Dark Horse Comics past two-plus decades of Star Wars stories and we look forward to what we want to see happen with the franchise in the hands of Marvel. Paul provides some behind-the-scenes info about his latest McQuarrie Revisited feature for Star Wars Insider Magazine which showcases a Ralph McQuarrie-inspired look at the streets of Tatooine’s Mos Eisley. Plus, revelations about McQuarrie’s involvement and eventual departure from Star Wars during the pre-production of Return of the Jedi. Listen to the show here THE BEARDED TRIO ON FACEBOOK THE BEARDED TRIO ON TWITTER THE BEARDED TRIO ON GOOGLE+

“The Music of John Williams” with the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra Takes Audience on Tour of Magical Movie Music

If you're in the Pittsburgh area at the end of January then make sure you check out Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra who will be performing at the Heinz Hall.  There they will be playing all the classics from John Williams. Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra celebrates his musical accomplishments with the fourth PNC Pops concert, “The Music of John Williams,” on Jan. 23-26, 2014. Led by Resident Conductor Lawrence Loh, the Pittsburgh Symphony will take the audience on a whirlwind tour through Williams’s movie magic, from “Star Wars” to “E.T.” to “Jaws” (and everything in between). The concert kicks off with the stirring “Olympic Fanfare,” spreading the Olympic spirit through Heinz Hall. This concert, featuring solos from the Pittsburgh Symphony principal harp Gretchen Van Hoesen and principal contrabassoon James Rodgers, promises to be a thrilling ride through the unmistakable melodies of Williams’ masterful movie music. Audiences can also expect some hijinks and fun from Loh, a self-a...

VIDEO: John Williams Interview 1980 Talks about The Empire Strikes Back

Interview from 1980.  John Williams talks about The Empire Strikes Back. Rob @welshslider THE BEARDED TRIO ON FACEBOOK THE BEARDED TRIO ON TWITTER THE BEARDED TRIO ON GOOGLE+

Ron Howard Confirms Chris Pratt In JurassicWorld

Last night Ron Howard was tweeting live from The Golden Globes and tweeted this rather interesting picture of his daughter Bryce Dallas Howard with Chris Pratt.  We know his daughter will be in Jurassic World but we've only had rumours and speculation that Chris Pratt is in the 2015 movie.  Well this tweet seems to confirm this.  Check it out. Bryce and Chris meet for the 1st time on red carpet they will be co-stars in next Juraissic — Ron Howard (@RealRonHoward) January 13, 2014 THE BEARDED TRIO ON FACEBOOK THE BEARDED TRIO ON TWITTER THE BEARDED TRIO ON GOOGLE+

Golden Globes: The Complete Winners List

No luck for John Williams at the Golden Globes.  The Book Thief soundtrack missed out to All ia Lost by Alex Ebert.  Here's the complete list: Best Motion Picture, Drama *12 Years a Slave Captain Phillips Gravity Philomena Rush Best Actor in a Motion Picture, Drama  *Matthew McConaughey,  Dallas Buyers Club Chiwetel Ejiofor,  12 Years a Slave Idris Elba,  Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom Tom Hanks,  Captain Phillips Robert Redford,  All Is Lost Best Actress in a Motion Picture, Drama *Cate Blanchett,  Blue Jasmine Sandra Bullock,  Gravity Judi Dench,  Philomena Emma Thompson,  Saving Mr. Banks Kate Winslet,  Labor Day Best Director – Motion Picture *Alfonso Cuaron,  Gravity Paul Greengrass,  Captain Phillips Steve McQueen,  12 Years a Slave Alexander Payne,  Nebraska  David O. Russell,  American Hustle Best Screenplay – Motion Picture *Spike Jonze,...