The Soundtrack of My Life by Colby Mead I had the privilege of growing up in the 1980’s. That meant a childhood filled with Saturday morning cartoons, action figures of all shapes and sizes, video games (the ones in the arcade as well as the ones at home) and movies. A lot of movies. My earliest movie memories were Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back, Raiders of the Lost Ark, E.T.: The Extra Terrestrial and Return of the Jedi. Not a bad start. I guess one can say that I was partially raised by the Bearded Trio. While the stories, iconography and characters from these films have stayed with me until today, nothing affected me more than the music that came with them. And for that I have one person to thank: John Williams This one human being is responsible for the majority of the soundtrack of my life and an innumerable amount of inspiration for millions around the world. His generations defining work that is Star Wars puts him in a category by himself. Just think about it, he alone ...
Celebrating the works of John Williams, Steven Spielberg and George Lucas. A fan site run by fans for fans. Lets have some fun and share the passion.