10 Best Star Wars Alien Races Star Wars is one of the rare science-fiction franchises that actually bothered to introduce a large chunk of its fictional universe, which – in this case – encompasses the whole known universe. Although we certainly haven’t seen the whole Star Wars universe, George Lucas and the other authors that have participated in the creation and development of the franchise have given us a solid look into the universe of Star Wars , into its different world and its races. In today’s article, we are going to be bringing you a list of the ten best alien (i.e., non-human) races in the fictional universe of Star Wars , so enjoy! 10. Bith The Bith race might not be the first to come to mind when you’re thinking Star Wars , but this race is actually quite famous and it is one of the “oldest” ones, as it was introduced in A New Hope . So, who are the Bith? Remember the iconic Mos Eisley Cantina scene and the jazz band? Well, the big-headed aliens who produce some me
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