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Showing posts from December, 2017

Happy New Year From The Bearded Trio. Here's A Collection Of Inspirational Quotes From George Lucas and Steven Spielberg To Help Your New Year

From everyone here at The Bearded Trio we would like to wish you all a Happy New Year.  I hope 2018 is the best year yet for all of you and full of Spielberg, Lucas and Williams magic.  Don't be yourself, be a better person than the year before.  As Steven Spielberg puts it: "All of us every single year, we're a different person. I don't think we're the same person all our lives." Don't be put off by negative people around you and their lost hope.  Be positive and think of the good things in life and hopefully it will reflect on to those who have lost a little bit of that sparkle.  Again quoting Steven Spielberg: “I've always been very hopeful which I guess isn't strange coming from me. I don't want to call myself an optimist. I want to say that I've always been full of hope. I've never lost that. I have a lot of hope for this country and for the entire world." Don't stop dreaming and believing in those dreams.  Don...

The Best Films Of 2017

by Patrick & Paul Gibbs It's 2017. Anyway, for a few more minutes it is. Come midnight it's gonna be 2018. A whole 'nother feelin'. The New Year. The future. Yeah, ole daddy Earth fixin' to start one more trip 'round the sun and everybody hopin' this ride 'round be a little more giddy, a little more gay. Yep, all over town champagne corks is a-poppin'. As we look back at the year in film, it has been quite a strong, despite an overall lack luster summer.  We decided that we'd each pick our personal choice for the number one movie of 2017, followed by by our joint top ten list (which excludes our choices for the top spot. And yes, this is basically a cheap ploy to sneak in 12 films instead of 10, but as we said, it was a strong year.). Paul's Top Pick: Image Courtesy 20th Century Fox THE POST Steven Spielberg tells the riveting story of journalists from The Washington Post and The New York Times who published the infamous ...

John Williams To Compose Theme For Solo: A Star Wars Story

They are coming thick and fast.  John Williams soundtracks that is.  Star Wars: The Last Jedi, The Post and now we're getting another one, well almost.  Yes, it's another Star Wars soundtrack.  John Williams will be composing the main theme for Solo: A Star Wars Story. Variety broke the news during an interview with the composer.  Williams said:  “The present plan is that I’m writing a theme for Han Solo, and John Powell is going to write the score, which he’ll do brilliantly,” Williams says. "His assignment is something I’m very happy about,” Williams adds. “What I will do is offer this to John, and to [director] Ron Howard, and if all parties are happy with it, then I will be happy. … John [Powell] will complete the score. He will write all the rest of the themes and all of the other material, which I’m going to be very anxious to hear.” Read more at Variety The Bearded Trio - The Site For Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, John Williams and a ...

Unboxing A Box Full of Retro Items From Time Junkies. Plenty of Spielberg Related Items Inside

If, like me you are a fan of the 70's and 80's then the idea of having a box full of retro goodness sent to you every month sounds like a fan-dabby-dozy idea.  Well, that is exactly what Time-Junkies do.  Every month for £22.99 you can get a box full of treasures from the decade of your choice.  There's a box for him and her and a choice from the 70's, 80's or 90's. The good folks at Time Junkies were kind enough to send me a box and I couldn't wait to see what retro goodness was inside. Opening the box you get a welcome message printed on the inside of the box promising plenty of nostalgia to come. Even the packaging inside the box is retro.  The paper is actually from old 80's comics. First items out of the box are full of cuteness.  A troll which my wife remembers with some fondness and a pencil topper with wobbly arms. A Ladybird book is next and again a genuine one from the 80's.  Laserbeak's Fury featuring the c...

ISS Astrounauts Watch The Last Jedi From Orbit.

You haven't watched Star Wars until you've watched it in space.  Well for the majority of us that's never going to happen, unless Elon Musk pulls another future tech invention out of his electric, Mars-loving hat in the next few years.  Anyway for a lucky few astronauts on-board the International Space Station they were fortunate enough to watch Star Wars: The Last Jedi while orbiting the Earth at 17,150 miles per hour.  Now the Force is definitely with them. NASA astronaut Mark T. Vande Hei tweeted a picture of himself and his space colleagues settling down to movie night.  Lets be honest I doubt this has Dolby Atmos sound and 3D 4K but who cares when you're watching Star Wars from here? Space Station movie night, complete with “bungee cord chairs”, drink bags, and a science fiction flick! — Mark T. Vande Hei (@Astro_Sabot) December 24, 2017 The Bearded Trio - The Site For Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, John Williams and ...

The Bearded Trio Recommends: "Cinemonkeys" Premiere

The new webseries Cinemonkeys. The Beareded Trio recomends Cinemonkeys , a unique new webseries from the Brothers Gibbs, our resident film critics: WATCH "CINEMONKEYS" ON YOUTUBE! Cinemonkeys is a comedy movie review series about Sprockets and Zoom, two super-intelligent apes who escaped from a top secret lab and have gone on the run as fugitive film critics, stopping every week to review the latest releases as they evade their pursuers. Imagine a mix of Mystery Science Theater 300, Siskel & Ebert, and some crazy stuff you've never seen before. Get serious reviews and goofy comedy in the same place. In the premiere episode, My Favorite Year, Sprocket and Zoom pick the Best Films of 2017.  Fans will find the actual Bearded Trio well represented. Enjoy  Cinemonkeys!   Tell your friends! Share it! "Like: the facebook page!  Embrace it. Experience what it feels like to fall in love with monkey puppets all over again. The Bearded Trio - The Si...

VIDEO - IMAX Boss On Trying Too Hard To Sell Product And Spielberg's Response

The BBC have published this short video interview with the IMAX CEO Richard Gelfond.  In the interview he admits when he took over, he tried to sell the new technology far too hard.  He also reveals Steven Spielberg's response when he asked him to produce his movie for IMAX. The Bearded Trio - The Site For Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, John Williams and a whole lot more. THE BEARDED TRIO ON FACEBOOK THE BEARDED TRIO ON TWITTER THE BEARDED TRIO ON GOOGLE+ THE BEARDED TRIO ON PINTEREST CLICK HERE FOR FACTS ON STEVEN SPIELBERG CLICK HERE FOR FACTS ON GEORGE LUCAS CLICK HERE FOR FACTS ON JOHN WILLIAMS

Movie Review: "All The Money In The World" Is A First-Rate Thriller

All The Money In The World Starring Michelle Williams, Christopher Plummer, Mark Wahlberg, Charlie Plummer, Romain Duris, Timothy Hutton and Definitely Not Kevin Spacey Screenplay by David Scarpa Based on the book by John Pearson Driected by Ridley Scott Out of Four   Reviewed by Paul & Patrick Gibbs Ridley Scott's All The Money in The World is unique in the fact that its claim to fame is all about who who isn't in it: After two-time Academy Award winner Kevin Spacey was disgraced in a sexual assault/harassment scandal, Scott raced to replace him in the already quickly made film with screen great Christopher Plummer, with only nine weeks to go until the scheduled release. That he managed to do this at all is impressive enough; that Scott and Plummer both managed to do Oscar-quality work in the process speaks to why the two 80-something artists have managed to stay near the top of their respective fields for decades. "I could play Frank Underwood, you k...

Movie Review: "The Greatest Showman" Is A Rousing But Highly Flawed Piece of Entertainment

THE GREATEST SHOWMAN Starring Hugh Jackman, Zac Efron, Rebecca Ferguson, Zendaya, Keala Settle, Austyn Johnson, Cameron Seely  Story by Jenny Bicks Screenplay by Jenny Bicks and Bill Condon Directed by Michael Gracey Reviewed by Patrick Gibbs   Out of Four In the mid '90's, we got two opposite extremes of of the "true story movie: Disney's Pocahontas was  a briskly entertaining, magical film that was a pure delight from start to finish and had a great message, but bared about as much resemblance to history as McDonalds does to haute cuisine. Lawrence Kasdan's Wyatt Earp  was a long, slow. drawn out epic that told the closest thing we'll probably ever get to the real story of its title figure on the big screen, but it left many wondering why this man's story deserved to be told.  At the time, there was no question in my mind that I preferred Pocahontas, and I still refuse to apologize for my love of that film, but the distortion of h...

Movie Review: "Molly's Game" Knows Which Cards To Play To Make An Entertaining Film

MOLLY'S GAME Starring Jessica Chastain, Idris Elba, Kevin Costner,  Michael Cera, Chris O'Dowd, Bill Camp Based on the book by Molly Bloom Written for the Screen and Directed by Aaron Sorkin Reviewed by Patrick & Paul Gibbs  Out of four The story of Molly Bloom is a story about resilience in the face of obstacles. It's also a story about stubbornness, pride, fragile egos, scheming and money. In short, it has almost everything that writer Aaron Sorkin would need to create a film that fits his signature brand of very clever (sometimes too clever) dialogue and character study set against a colorful backdrop.  Molly Bloom (Jessica Chastain) preparing for a downhill run. (Image Courtesy STX Films) Bloom (playe here by Jessica Chastain) was charged in April of 2013 with running a high-stakes poker game that originated out of the Viper Room in Los Angeles and attracted wealthy individuals, sports figures and Hollywood celebrities, and j...

This Star Wars Christmas Light Show Has To Be Seen - Merry Christmas Everyone.

"You don't know the power" is what blares out during this rather impressive light show featuring Star Wars.  To be honest, with all those lights on I would be pretty happy not knowing the power usage here.  This has to be seen to be believed.  It's not just lights but video footage embedded into the light show. Impressive...Most Impressive. This 2017 Star Wars light show is located in downtown San Antonio, Texas at Dignowity Park and runs nightly from 6pm to 10pm until New Years. The Bearded Trio - The Site For Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, John Williams and a whole lot more. THE BEARDED TRIO ON FACEBOOK THE BEARDED TRIO ON TWITTER THE BEARDED TRIO ON GOOGLE+ THE BEARDED TRIO ON PINTEREST CLICK HERE FOR FACTS ON STEVEN SPIELBERG CLICK HERE FOR FACTS ON GEORGE LUCAS CLICK HERE FOR FACTS ON JOHN WILLIAMS

VIDEO - Steven Spielberg Interview on The Dick Cavett Show 1981

A classic clip showing a beard-less looking Steven Spielberg talking to American talk show host, Dick Cavett.  It's 1981 so the movie being promoted is Raiders of the Lost Ark but there's a huge range of topics covered in this 55 minute video. The Bearded Trio - The Site For Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, John Williams and a whole lot more. THE BEARDED TRIO ON FACEBOOK THE BEARDED TRIO ON TWITTER THE BEARDED TRIO ON GOOGLE+ THE BEARDED TRIO ON PINTEREST CLICK HERE FOR FACTS ON STEVEN SPIELBERG CLICK HERE FOR FACTS ON GEORGE LUCAS CLICK HERE FOR FACTS ON JOHN WILLIAMS