A Review Of Ready Player One By A Fan Of Steven Spielberg Ready Player One has hit the big screens and don't worry, it's good. Phew! From the first moment the screen fades in with the now associated 'Jump' by Van Halen to the final climatic scenes with the UPS van under attack, accompanied by Back to the Future soundtrack cues, this film is a dream for anyone who is a fan of popular culture especially from the 1980's. But, you probably knew that anyway. After all, retro is most definitely in and this film has retro references by the Big Trak load. Some references are obvious but others are a blink and you'll miss it. Look out for the "Re-Elect Mayor Goldie Wilson" campaign poster, a tip of the hat to Terminator with the thumbs up and of course plenty of Back to the Future references with Alan Silvestri's original soundtrack. Movie Or The Book? The movie version of Ernest Cline's Ready Player One is different to the book but tha...
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