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Showing posts from March, 2014

Full Video Of Lucasarts' Full Throttle From Start To End

Following on from yesterday's blast from the past where we brought you a 30 minute video from Indiana Jones on the NES.  Today we bring you this full length 2 hour video of Lucasarts' Full Throttle from start to end.  Having problems getting the game to play on Windows 7?  Don't fancy doing the FMV sections again?  Well sit back and enjoy this full play through of the game and let those gaming memories return. A beginning to end play through of LucasArts' 1995 graphic adventure opus, Full Throttle. This game blew my mind when I first got it back in 1995. It combined the awesomeness of all of LucasArts' previous adventures (Sam n Max, Day of the Tentacle, Monkey Island...) and amped it up by several orders of magnitude. It's a fair amount shorter and easier than the company's earlier games, but it's drowning in personality, badassness, and general quality in every respect. If you ever had a passing interest in the "experience" of a ...

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (NES) Soundtrack In Stereo

Sit back and take yourself back to the retro 80's with this 30 minutes video playing the Indiana Jones soundtrack from the NES game, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.  The original game soundtrack was by Tim & Geoff Follin.  This will bring back memories and guaranteed to put a sentimental smile on your face. This is the OST to Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (Taito) for the NES! But in Stereo! Which basically separates the sound channels and adds echo, or makes it in Stereo as I call it. So enjoy this soundtrack in what I like to call here with these soundtracks, WiiGuy's 8Bit Stereo!! Tracklist: Title Screen Last Crusade Theme Destination Selected Coronado: Cutscene Coronado: Ship Battle Venice: Cutscene Venice: Grail Puzzle Brunwald Castle: Cutscene Brunwald Castle: Rescuing Dad Berlin: Cutscene Berlin: Motorcycle Escape Tank: Cutscene Tank: Rescuing Marcus Mission Success Mission Failure The Lost Temple: Cutscene The Lost Temple: Puzzle Maze Choose ...

VIDEO: POV OF Indiana Jones Adventure Temple Of The Forbidden Eye Ride

Full ride through of the Indiana Jones Adventure attraction at Disneyland: For more information see our page: THE BEARDED TRIO ON FACEBOOK THE BEARDED TRIO ON TWITTER THE BEARDED TRIO ON GOOGLE+

Spielberg Receives Lincoln Leadership Prize From Sally Field

A few weeks back we reported that Spielberg would receive the Lincoln Leadership Prize this week.  700 guests gathered for dinner event at the Hilton to see our favourite director receive his award from Lincoln star and Academy Award winner, Sally Field. Approximately 700 guests gathered for a dinner event at the Hilton last week to see Steven Spielberg receive the Lincoln Leadership Prize. The accolade recognizes individuals who exemplify the spirit of the 16th president. Fittingly, Sally Field—an Academy Award winner and star of the Spielberg-directed film, Lincoln—presented the iconic director with his award. Source THE BEARDED TRIO ON FACEBOOK THE BEARDED TRIO ON TWITTER THE BEARDED TRIO ON GOOGLE+

VIDEO: Harrison Ford 1982 on Letterman, promoting Blade Runner, Raiders of the Lost Ark

Harrison Ford in 1982 appears on the talk show promoting his new movie Blade Runner. Also discussed is Raiders of the Lost Ark and Star Wars PART 1 PART 2 THE BEARDED TRIO ON FACEBOOK THE BEARDED TRIO ON TWITTER THE BEARDED TRIO ON GOOGLE+

Tom Kane Joins RebelForce Radio To Talk That Last Clone Wars Story Arc.

RebelForce Radio The weekend is here and start celebrating with a new episode of RebelForce Radio.  Tom Kane who voiced Yoda in the excellent and I fear, going to be missed Clone Wars joins the gang to talk that last story arc of the Lost Missions.  What a story that was too! Clone Wars Actor Tom Kane (Yoda) joins us to talk about the incredible Lost Missions of Season six. Plus, a solid Episode VII casting rumor, Star Wars March Madness, and the 501st recognizes the man who gave the “green light” to Star Wars. And of course, Billy Dee on Dancing with the Stars, Listener Feedback and more! Listen here. THE BEARDED TRIO ON FACEBOOK THE BEARDED TRIO ON TWITTER THE BEARDED TRIO ON GOOGLE+

Jake Johnson Confirmed For Jurassic World

Jake Johnson has confirmed his involvement in Jurassic World in several interviews.  First with Huffington Post and then with Vulture.  He had been rumoured for some time but he himself has now confirmed his involvement.  Jake Johnson has worked with Colin Trevorrow before with the 2012 "Safety Not Guaranteed."  In the Vulture interview he said: So you’re in Jurassic World. I haven’t shot it yet. I shoot at the end of July. If you get to interact with dinosaurs, which one do you want? Probably the T. Rex, but what I’m really excited about is the director, Colin Trevorrow, directed me in Safety Not Guaranteed. And the writer of that movie [Derek Connolly] did a rewrite on Jurassic World. That movie we did for, I think it was $600,000 up in Seattle, a 20-day shoot. I loved it. So to do that and now be doing Jurassic World together, it just feels like a fun jump. In the Huffington Post he described his like for the Jurassic Park series and in particular worki...

RV From The Lost World: Jurassic Park Sells For Less Than £10,000

Remember the "bendy" RV from The Lost World: Jurassic Park?  Well it's been up for sale on Ebay and only went for $15,100.  That's just under £10,000! The vehicle was sold by Theme Park Connection - a specialist in buying and selling Disney movie props and memorabilia. Based on a 1997 Fleetwood Southwind Storm, the motorhome and trailer was customised in to mobile lab for Ian Malcom, played by Jeff Goldblum, Sarah Harding (Julianne Moore) and Nick Van Owen (Vince Vaughn). According to the eBay advert, the motorhome is "an authentic, original prop which was designed and constructed for the film". It is one of several RVs made for the movie and is heavily featured throughout up until it the scene when it is pushed over a cliff by two Tyrannosaurus Rex - one of the film's most classic scenes. This could have been yours!  T-Rex not included. Source THE BEARDED TRIO ON FACEBOOK THE BEARDED TRIO ON TWITTER THE BEARDED TRIO ON GOOGLE+

Jurassic Park T-Rex Chase - Homemade Shot for Shot @CineFixNetwork

Those talented lot over at Cinefix have another Jurassic Park treat for us.  This time they  re-enact  the T-Rex scene from Spielberg's 1993 classic but the difference is...well I'm sure you'll see the difference.  Video below.  Enjoy. "Welcome to Jurassic Park!" Watch the HOMEMADE version of the Jurassic Park T-Rex Chase RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW! Subscribe for new Homemade Movies every Tuesday - Watch the side-by-side comparison with the original: Watch the behind-the-scenes: We may not have the advanced cloning technology to make dinosaurs in a lab... But we can sure make this iconic Jurassic Park scene at home! Check it out!!! THE BEARDED TRIO ON FACEBOOK THE BEARDED TRIO ON TWITTER THE BEARDED TRIO ON GOOGLE+

The Philly POPS Will Present "The Magical Music of John Williams"

The Philly POPS will be presenting “The Magical Music of John Williams” on the weekend of April 4-6.  The concert, led by Maestro Michael Krajewski, will feature selections from Star Wars , Raiders of the Lost Ark , Harry Potter , Jurassic Park , and  Schindler’s List -  just to name a few.  The POPS Festival Chorus will also sing selections from Williams’ music. Special guests will include members of the 501st Legion, Garrison Carida, appearing in character as Darth Vader, Chewbacca, R2-D2, C-3PO, and Storm Troopers. The concerts will be held in the Verizon Hall at The Kimmel Center of the Performing Arts in Philadelphia.  Showtimes are on Friday, April 4th at 8 p.m., and Saturday and Sunday - April 4th and 5th - at 3 p.m.   For more details and ticketing info, please visit  The Philly POPS . (Source:  ) THE BEARDED TRIO ON FACEBOOK THE BEARDED TRIO ON TWITTER THE BEARDED TRIO ON GOOGLE+ ...

Impressive Fan Poster For Jurassic World @colintrevorrow

Nicola Roversi sent us this incredible artwork for Jurassic World.  The Colin Trevorrow directed movie set for release in 2015 is certainly causing a buzz with fans of the series and much anticipation. Be sure to check my espresso shot with The Bearded Trio on the Coffee With Kenobi podcast to stay up to date on  Jurassic World news. Rob @welshslider THE BEARDED TRIO ON FACEBOOK THE BEARDED TRIO ON TWITTER THE BEARDED TRIO ON GOOGLE+

New Concept Artwork For Jurassic World Hits The Web

Concept artwork has found its way on to the web and gives up a chance to see the new Jurassic Park building for the first time.  We've posted photos of the set being built but this gives a first glimpse of what that building will look like. Welcome to the new Jurassic Park. Concept art for upcoming sequel Jurassic World has appeared  online , giving us a glimpse at the new look, fully-operational dinosaur theme park. The images come from the online portfolio of Nathan Schroeder, an  artist  whose recent work includes Avengers Assemble, Star Trek and The Hunger Games: Catching Fire. THE BEARDED TRIO ON FACEBOOK THE BEARDED TRIO ON TWITTER THE BEARDED TRIO ON GOOGLE+

Extras Needed In New Orleans For Jurassic World

Last week we reported that auditions were taking place in Hawaii for extras.  Well now it seems the casting director is looking for another batch of extras but this time in New Orleans where filming is set to take place. They are looking for men and women age 5 to 85 and those with an ethnic background and militiary and encouraged to take part. reports: According to a source, the casting directors will be going to The Big Easy to find thousands of locals who are willing to play extra in the mega dino movie The Jurassic World casting call will be held at the cafeteria of the Grace King High School on March 29 and 30. Those who want to audition should be there before 12 noon as it starts exactly at that time and end at 6 p.m. So what do the casting directors look for? Just like in Kauai, they are in search for men and women ages 5 to 85. Those who are in the military and with ethnic backgrounds are encouraged to audition. THE BEARDED TRIO ON FACEBOOK THE...

Industrial Light & Magic Vancouver Brings 70 New Jobs

The recently announced Vancouver branch of Industrial Light and Magic brings job opportunities for those talented and lucky enough to work in the FX industry.  70 new employees will have the opportunity to work for the FX giants and work on movies such as Jurassic World, Star Trek and a little movie called Star Wars VII. It’s great news for the Vancouver visual effects industry, but it might create shortages of qualified staff, said Brent Greening, senior instructor of visual effects at Vancouver Film School. “This is going to have an impact in Vancouver and B.C. because it’s showing that even the big boys want to play here. ILM has been around for 30 years or more. They did the first Star Wars and they’re pioneers in the visual effects world,” Greening said. So for them to set up shop here and to make a go of it using the talent from Vancouver is phenomenal.” “I can see there being a shortage (of qualified workers) in the future if we don’t do something about it,” Greeni...

Disney's Frozen Skates Pass Jurassic Park And Phantom Menace In Box Office Takings.

Thirteen is not a bad number really.  Disney's Frozen has, this week taken No. 13 in the all-time worldwide box office takings this week.  That means the animated movie has taken over $1 billion and passes Spielberg's Jurassic Park and Star Wars, The Phantom Menace, directed by George Lucas. Since opening in November, Disney Animation's juggernaut recently upped its total to $1.031 billion. That haul tops the gross of Steven Spielberg's dinosaur thriller, which rolled to $1.029 billion for Universal in 1993. “Phantom Menace,” which brought in $1.027 billion for Fox in 1999, according to Box Office Mojo. Watch the trailer below: source:   The Wrap THE BEARDED TRIO ON FACEBOOK THE BEARDED TRIO ON TWITTER THE BEARDED TRIO ON GOOGLE+

Movie Trailer For Spielberg Inspired Earth To Echo. Cross Between Super 8, E.T, Goonies and more @earthtoecho

What do you get when you combine Super 8, The Explorers, Goonies, E.T and Flight of the Navigator?   Earth To Echo is the answer. Very much inspired by those 80's kids adventure movies and certainly the trailer has a Spielberg feel about it.  Watch the trailer below.  Let us know what you think?  We will definitely keep you up to date on this one. After a construction project begins digging in their neighborhood, best friends Tuck, Munch and Alex inexplicably begin to receive strange, encoded messages on their cell phones. Convinced something bigger is going on, they go to their parents and the authorities. When everyone around them refuses to take the messages seriously, the three embark on a secret adventure to crack the code and follow it to its source. But taking matters into their own hands gets the trio in way over their heads when they discover a mysterious being from another world who desperately needs their help. The epic, suspenseful and exciting jo...

*Sometimes there are things no one can fix.* -Padme`

THE BEARDED TRIO ON FACEBOOK THE BEARDED TRIO ON TWITTER THE BEARDED TRIO ON GOOGLE+ Luke: “Leia, do you remember your mother, your real mother?”  Leia: “Just a little bit. She died when I was very young.” Luke: “What do you remember?”  Leia: “Just images really, feelings.” Luke: “Tell me.” Leia: “She was very beautiful, kind, but sad. Why are you asking me this?”  Luke: “I have no memory of my mother. I never knew her.” The above dialog is absolutely, positively, one of the most poignant and emotional moments of the entire Star Wars Saga. With that said, I know I am not the only one who feels this way. Such an impactful scene with a magnitude of revelations and yet, it opened up another sarlacc pit of wonderment.  Who wasn’t curious about this mysterious woman that gave birth to these separated , force sensitive twins? Padme Naberrie Amidala Skywalker : 1.)Queen of Naboo 2.)Galactic Senator 3.)Wife of the “Chosen One” (Anakin Skywalker) 4...

Dave Filoni Guest Stars On This Weeks RebelForce(s) Radio

RebelForce Radio bring us a BIG show this week.  None other than the modern day George Lucas himself, Dave Filoni joins the gang to talk The Clone Wars Lost Missions and of course the highly anticipated, Star Wars Rebels. With Billy Dee now on Dancing with the Stars, there is of course of lot of material for the regular feature, the Billy Dee quote of the week.  Not to be missed. Lucasfilm’s  Dave Filoni  is back to dig deep into  The Clone Wars Lost Missions  and talk about the upcoming  Star Wars Rebels .  And, the latest info about  Star Wars Episode VII , this time via comments from Disney head honcho Bob Iger. Plus, one of the creative forces behind the now-shelved  Star Wars  live action TV show breaks his silence, Billy Dee survives the first week of  Dancing with the Stars , our theories on how  Episode VII  was conceived, and more! LISTEN TO THE SHOW HERE Rob @welshslider THE BEARDED TRIO ON FA...

Episode 15 Of Coffee With Kenobi With Guest BRYAN YOUNG. The Bearded Trio Interviews JOHN COPPINGER

This week on the top class Coffee With Kenobi podcast, hosts Dan Z and Cory C are joined by a member of The Full of Sith team for the second show in a row.  This time the always insightful Bryan Young sips a coffee with the gang to talk about The Prequels.  It's an excellent interview and one that should not be missed. Also on the show I bring you another "espresso shot with The Bearded Trio" in which I interview Jabba sculptor, John Coppinger.  I also bring you up to date on the latest Jurassic World news and there's a chance to win the superb Lucasarts book, Rogue Leaders. This is the podcast you're looking for! In today’s show we share a cup of coffee with Bryan Young of Full of Sith, Big Shiny Robot, the Official Star Wars Blog, and Star Wars Insider.   Bryan is here to discuss our topic for Show # 15, the Prequels.  Bryan’s analysis of the Prequels, including Padme, midichlorians, and the love between Anakin and Padme will have you re-exa...

VIDEO: In the Teeth of Jaws - BBC Jaws Documentary

This is a rare 1997 BBC documentary on everyone's favourite shark movie, Jaws. THE BEARDED TRIO ON FACEBOOK THE BEARDED TRIO ON TWITTER THE BEARDED TRIO ON GOOGLE+

John Williams to Conduct the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra

This October 4th, legendary composer John Williams will be conducting the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra .  Long associated with the Boston Symphony Orchestra, Williams will be donating his talents to benefit the MSO. The Milwaukee Symphony Pops program will feature many of Williams' original film scores, including Star Wars , Jaws , Close Encounters of the Third Kind , Superman , E.T. , Raiders of the Lost Ark , Schindler’s List , Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone , and Lincoln . Tickets will be available to the public July 28th, with prices ranging from $40 - $130.  Tickets are currently available to Classics and Pops subscribers for $32 - $104. (Source:  JSOnline  ) THE BEARDED TRIO ON FACEBOOK THE BEARDED TRIO ON TWITTER THE BEARDED TRIO ON GOOGLE+ Contact Lisa at

Sam Neill, Jeff Goldblum, and Laura Dern will not be In Jurassic World. BD Wong Returning.

Sam Neill, Jeff Goldblum, and Laura Dern will not be returning for the fourth film in the franchise, ‘Jurassic World’. The Director of the much anticipated dino adventure, Colin Trevorrow said in an interview with IGN yesterday. "I know a lot of fans want to see the original characters back. They’re iconic. But I respect those actors too much to shoehorn them into this story for my own sentimental reasons,” "Jurassic Park isn’t about the bad luck of three people who keep getting thrown into the same situation. The only reason they’d go back to that island is if the screenwriters contrived a reason for them to go.” Remember the scientist from the first Jurassic Park who kind of gives the main cast the tour?  The character was Dr. Henry Wu played by BD Wong.  Well he has been confirmed as a returning character.  In the original novel he has a much larger part and Trevorrow is eager to use him more. "He had a much larger role in the original novel, he was ...

Ivan Reitman Leaves Ghostbusters 3. Begins Shooting In 2015.

v There's good news and bad news for Ghostbusters 3.  The good news is Sony Pictures has announced plans to begin shooting the film in New York City in early 2015, Deadline reports. The bad news is director Ivan Reitman has dropped out of the project in the wake of Ramis's death last month.  Production will continue however with Reitman helping the producers (Amy Pascal) find a new director. Digital Spy reports: Reitman has revealed that the final script for the upcoming film is one that went through several iterations in order to please Aykroyd, Ramis and Bill Murray, who has apparently not agreed to do the film.  He said: "It's a version of Ghostbusters that has the originals in a very minor role... When I came back from Harold's funeral, it was really moving and it made me think about a lot of things.  "I just finally met with Amy and Doug Belgrad when I got back. I said I'd been thinking about it for weeks, that I'd rather just prod...

Steven Spielberg's Shoah Foundation Marks Its 20th Year

The foundation that Steven Spielberg founded after being inspired by Holocaust survivors he met while filming Schindler's List  is marking its 20th anniversary this year. The USC Shoah Foundation has collected the testimonies of 51,413 survivors in 34 languages from 58 countries - surpassing expectations Spielberg had when he created the foundation in 1994.  The scope of the foundation has grown to include those who have survived genocides in countries such as Rwanda, Cambodia, and Armenia. The foundation hosts a searchable digital archive used both for education and outreach.  Spielberg himself visits schools so he can share some of the collected testimonies with young people.  Admittedly, at first they're more interested in discussing movies, but their focus shifts as those testimonies are presented. Needless to say, that pleases Spielberg a great deal. “It just restored my real faith in all these new generations that at the core of all of their values...

Industrial Light and Magic opens studio in Vancouver

ILM president Lynwen Brennan, Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy, ILM Chief Creative Office John Knoll, MLA Naomi Yamamoto, MP Ed Fast Industrial Light And Magic have opened it's latest studio.  This time in Gastown, Vancouver.  The site is an ex-Pixar 30,000-square foot studio.  Pixar vacated the building in October 2013. ILM president, Lynwen Brennan had this to say about the new building and to put fears to rest about the studio going the same way as previous residents, Pixar: "We're in very different businesses so the reason for Pixar leaving are very different than what would affect the visual effects industry," Brennan said at the ILM Vancouver office. "It's been well documented their reasons for leaving here was they wanted to consolidate production all in one place. So for us, we're actually needing more capacity. So what we're looking for at ILM is we need to grow, we need more artists, and we need talented artists." ILM chief c...

The Music of John Williams Features in 'Dancing with the Stars'

The music of John Williams (albeit a disco version) was featured in the latest episode of Dancing with the Stars . Billy Dee Williams - known to Star Wars  fans a Lando Calrissian from The Empire Strikes Back  and Return of the Jedi  - is a contestant on the dance competition show this season. Williams and his dance partner, Emma Slater, danced the cha-cha to Meco’s " Star Wars Theme/Cantina Band ” single from 1977. Billy Dee Williams is 77 years old, has arthritis in his back, and he’s had two hip replacements. While the judges were a bit critical of his performance, he certainly deserves a world of credit for participating in the show. You can watch his segment right here: THE BEARDED TRIO ON FACEBOOK THE BEARDED TRIO ON TWITTER THE BEARDED TRIO ON GOOGLE+

Round Two Of This Is Madness. Lando V Chewbacca and Vader V Maul

Everyone's favourite Star Wars character tournament is back for round two. Chewbacca goes up against Lando and Vader v. Maul.  You can vote now. THE BEARDED TRIO ON FACEBOOK THE BEARDED TRIO ON TWITTER THE BEARDED TRIO ON GOOGLE+ THE BEARDED TRIO ON FACEBOOK THE BEARDED TRIO ON TWITTER THE BEARDED TRIO ON GOOGLE+

1500 Hopefuls Audition For Extras Work On Jurassic World.

Um, they're flocking this way.  No, not a flock of Gallimimus like in Jurassic Park but 1500 locals from Lihue, Hawaii are hoping to get one of fifty background spots in the upcoming Jurassic World, directed by Colin Trevorrow. The Garden Island newspaper reported Monday that those who auditioned for "Jurassic World" were asked to sign a non-disclosure agreement by the film's production company, EEB Tide Productions.  One hopeful who happened to be a journalist couldn't resist writing about the experience. “No Facebook, no Instagram, nothing,” one casting call organizer put it when I finally made my way through the 3-hour line to where the organizers actually were. She didn’t say anything about print, but probably because she forgot. “If you want to work on this movie, take it seriously.” The day began at the Kauai Community College campus. The line, which began to form at 7 a.m. according to inside sources, snaked from the Performing Arts Center, past th...

RebelForce Radio Clone Wars Declassified Analyse The Rush Clovis Arc

Let RebelForce Radio make sense of the latest episodes of The Clone Wars. This week the gang is joined by Paul Bateman and David W. Collins to analyse The Rush Clovis arc. Clone Wars Declassified is back to dissect and analyze The Rush Clovis Arc from the season six Lost Missions. Joining us at the RFR Roundtable this week are video game sound leadDavid W. Collins, film producer F.J. DeSanto and artist Paul Bateman. Listen as we dig deep beneath the surface of the entire Clovis story as seen in the episodes “An Old Friend”, “The Rise of Clovis” and “Crisis at the Heart”. Listen to the show here. THE BEARDED TRIO ON FACEBOOK THE BEARDED TRIO ON TWITTER THE BEARDED TRIO ON GOOGLE+

The Walkers Among Us. New Documentary By Cris Macht Explores Fans Of The Walking Dead

Cris Macht who brought us the fantastic "Force Within Us" Star Wars documentary, has now started work on a new project.  This time exploring the fan base world of the popular Zombie-ridden TV show, The Walking Dead. Rachel with Norman Reedus. She is a fan...big fan. Called THE WALKERS AMONG US, the show will go in-depth and explore the fans of the show including those Reedus fans of which my wife is definitely one. The filmmakers, Cris Macht and Ian Vacek have started a Kickstarter campaign and need your help.  In return they are offering some rather impressive gifts including DVDs, artwork, meeting the cast and there's even a red carpet experience. Filmmakers and (Childhood friends) Cris Macht and Ian Vacek released their 2nd documentary last year – THE FORCE WITHIN US (about Star Wars fans) and have since formed their own production company “Lust For Life LTD”. As big fans of The Walking Dead and experience with documentaries based around the fans, it o...