B y now we're all pretty used to the idea that the Jurassic Park franchise is back in full force. Spinning off of the legendary Steven Spielberg series, 2015's Jurassic World was about as strong a revival as any studio could have hoped for. The movie delighted critics and audiences, raking in $1.6 billion worldwide at box offices. Naturally there's a sequel on the way, and for all we know we could be on the cusp of a sprawling new branch of the franchise. Even before Jurassic World reached theaters, we were seeing something of a rebirth of Jurassic Park-related entertainment through the gaming industry. Back in 2011, Telltale Games produced Jurassic Park: The Game, a few years before the studio really exploded onto the console scene to become a recognized pioneer in narrative gaming. Looking back, it feels like a trial run for Telltale as it was criticized for not living up to the film , but also noted by other critics as being more of a cinematic experience than a pla...
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