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Showing posts from August, 2009

Video with Steven Spielberg explaining his concerns over aliens in Indy 4

This video is on the great DVD Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull. I actually loved the film. I thought it captured the comic book/saturday morning cinema dramas that the other Indy movies were. In this video, Spielberg explains his reservation of using the subject of Aliens in Indy 4. Spielberg refused to do an Indy film with aliens hence the long wait we had. In the end George Lucas came up with the idea of the aliens being inter-dimensional rather from outer space. Steven agreed that would be a better idea and Indy 4 was GO! Just glad they didn't call it Indiana Jones And The Saucer Men which was one of the suggestions. Tags: indiana jones , steven spielberg , george lucas

Fire Threatened Skywalker Ranch

Brush Fire Threated Skywalker Ranch The Marin County Fire Department received a call at 1:52 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 13, that a fire had started at the Banta House, an adjacent estate once owned by the Doobie Brothers, where a wedding was scheduled to take place two days later, said Battalion Chief Tim Thompson , who directed the department’s operations that day. Mr. Thompson said the fire, which was burning roughly three acres across, spread up a steep hill to the border of Mr. Lucas’ ranch about an hour after it had started. “This was a very tough fire,” he said. “There was some complexity to it.” Indeed, Mr. Thompson said it took more than two hours to put out, with about 70 firefighters, two inmate crews, two bulldozers and two air tankers battling the blaze (alas, no Ewoks were available). Skywalker Ranch has its own fire brigade, which also responded to the call. Mr. Thompson said a small portion of the ranch was damaged during the incident. But Lynne Hale , a spokeswoma...

Poltergeist Remake Coming on November 24, 2010! (2020 update - They appear to no longer exist) have learned that MGM's planned remake of Tobe Hooper's classic '80s haunted house movie Poltergeist has received a release date of November 24, 2010, Thanksgiving weekend. With director Vadim Perelman (House of Sand and Fog) attached since last September, the production has been in development a long time with a script surfacing last year, but so far, no cast has been announced and no information about where or when they might start filming.

Hidden Day Of The Tentacle Meaning In Remake Of Monkey Island?

Take a close look at the Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition snapshot in the header image. The Tentacle idol featured in the centre shouldn’t exist. It wasn’t included in the original PC release of the title. Does this mean something? Read the rest here

Turn your Xbox Avatar into George Lucas!

How to turn your Xbox Live Avatar into George Lucas 1 - Add shades for the George Lucas on location look 2 - Jeans for the casual George look 3 - Chequered shirt...what else? 4 - Cap. Preferably a star wars cap like this one with the republic symbol * 5 - Beard, add accordingly. 6 - hair and colour, now this depends what age you want your George to be. Me? I hav gone for a young version. Turn more grey the older you want him to be. 7 - Sneakers There you have it. *Republic Symbol cap will cost 80 xbox points

Spielberg is a big Bioshock fan.

In an interview with Shia Labeouf he explains how Steven Spielberg was a gamer and in particular a fan of Bioshock. “One time Steven told me to come to his house ready to go skeet shooting,” says LaBeouf. “I get there and stick my head in to ask if he’s ready—and this is classic Spielberg—he says, ‘Nope, Shia. I’m trapped!’ ” LaBeouf then starts playing both parts—concerned protégé and faraway mentor: “You’re trapped? Steven, what are you talking about?” “I’m trapped back here. Follow my voice.” “Where are you?” “Over here… Here… Here!” LaBeouf kept following the calls until he got to the director’s office. And there was the master himself: shoes off, socks on, dressed in shooting gear, but sitting behind a computer, stuck on the fifteenth level of a first-person shooter called BioShock. “This is like months to get to this level, and he can’t get past this one little mysterious spider god, and he’s losing his mind. He’s like, ‘I can’t do it, Shia! I can’t do it.’ ” LaBeouf,...

Bill's Aml in George Lucas's Red Tails

A former star of The Bill has landed a role in a new movie by Star Wars creator George Lucas. Aml Ameen, 24, who played PC Lewis Hardy in the hit show for 18 months, is to appear in Red Tails. It tells the story of the first African American pilots to fly in combat in the Second World War. Aml, who has just returned from filming in Prague, said: "To all my fellow dreamers let this show you that it can be done. This started with a dream and a belief that I can do it." What is the Bill? The Bill is a British television police procedural made by Talkback Thames, and named after a slang term for the police. It was first broadcast on 16 August 1983 as a pilot episode, and as a regular series from 16 October 1984. As of July 2009[update], The Bill is filmed in HD and broadcast on the majority of ITV networks - including ITV HD and nationally on ITV3; with episodes from 2007 being shown daily on Watch. I can't stand it!

Halo/Spielberg rumours....nothing new to report

(HALO TV SHOW 2020 UPDATE - This was posted way back in 2009.   It seems the news back then was the same as it is now.  No news!) Responding to questions we had over the Spielberg rumor (and indeed the future of the movie itself), a Microsoft spokesperson told Kotaku: "We're glad there's still a lot of enthusiasm in the entertainment industry surrounding the idea of a Halo movie. That said, the Halo feature film remains on hold as we focus on projects like Halo 3: ODST and Halo: Reach. Upon further questioning, Microsoft added that they had "nothing further to share with respect to plans regarding a Halo movie".

More Monkey Island...We need more Monkey Island

T elltale games are just about to release the second episode of Tales of Monkey Island. If its anything like the first episode then we are in for a treat. Chapter Two of Tales of Monkey Island, "The Siege of Spinner Cay" will be available for PC on August 20 (Pacific Time)! When we left Guybrush Threepwood, he'd just escaped the mysterious winds of Flotsam Island aboard the well-meaning sailing ship The Screaming Narwhal. However, his hand is still cursed, and LeChuck--now in human form--seems, from a distance, to be courting fair Elaine's favor. To top it all, he's been intercepted by a mysterious figure, yet unrevealed. I wonder what happens next... Please go buy Tales of Monkey Island. The more successful it is the more we will get. Can you imagine the world without Monkey Island? Can you imagine life without Guybrush Threepwood? 2020 Update - Telltale Games are no more, unfortunately.  For an insight into the company, watch this detailed documentary...

Spielberg releases statement about the death of Michael Jackson

  Steven Spielberg has released this statement about the death of Michael Jackson exclusively to EW: “Just as there will never be another Fred Astaire or Chuck Berry or Elvis Presley, there will never be anyone comparable to Michael Jackson. His talent, his wonderment and his mystery make him legend.”

Philadelphia honour for Spielberg

Steven Spielberg has made several influential movies Filmmaker Steven Spielberg will be awarded Philadelphia's 2009 Liberty Medal for his artistic and humanitarian achievements, it has been announced. The director will give the $100,000 (£58,800) prize to the foundation he has set up to produce video and oral histories of Holocaust survivors. He will be presented with the accolade - established in 1988 - on 8 October. Previous winners of the award, presented by the National Constitution Center, include Nelson Mandela. It was established to honour those who represent the founding principles of the US. Spielberg's films include Schindler's List, Saving Private Ryan and The Color Purple. He is also behind hugely profitable franchises including Indiana Jones and Jurassic Park.

Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis - Intro

There's nothing like reliving that opening scene to the Lucasarts classic, Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis