Indiana Jones found fortune and glory by searching for long-lost treasures. He also found some love along the way. Alex Arnold is also searching for treasures. Those treasures just happen to be Indiana Jones in nature, a search Alex does for the love of the franchise. Alex, 34, a registered nurse and a resident of Tampa, Florida, is an avid collector of Indiana Jones memorabilia, and is an active member of the Facebook group Indiana Jones and the Collector's Covenant. Like so many of us, he fell in love with the franchise as a youngster, and exhibits that love with an impressive Indy collection he displays in his home. He was generous enough to sit with me for a Q&A with me (Brad) to talk about his collection, what he enjoys most about the franchise, and - of course - what his Holy Grail of collecting would be. Enjoy! Q: Describe your first experience with the Indiana Jones character and franchise. Did you see the films in the theater? A : My first experience with Indiana Jone...
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