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Showing posts from January, 2013

Star Wars ESB Cover 1980 From The Electric Company Magazine

Steven Spielberg Outbid...By His Wife

Steven Spielberg was outbid by his wife when the pair went head-to-head at a charity auction following the European premiere of Lincoln. Around €250,000 (£210,000) was raised after the screening and star-studded gala in Dublin for a hospice foundation, of which the movie's star Daniel Day-Lewis is a patron. Spielberg, who directed the multi-Oscar-nominated film, lost out to his other half - actor Kate Capshaw - who coughed up €43,000 for a set of etchings by U2 star Bono. The charity auction, in aid of Wicklow Hospice, raised €143,000. An additional estimated €107,000 was made through ticket sales for the Lincoln premiere - at €160 a head - sponsorship and raffle draws. Daniel Day-Lewis had persuaded Spielberg to donate a number of props from the film shoot, including a handmade knife, white gloves and miniature soldiers. Source

Interview With Star Wars Dawn Of The Jedi Author Tim Lebbon

Tim Lebbon Interview Tim Lebbon is currently working on the Star War novel DAWN OF THE JEDI - INTO THE VOID. I was curious to know just how you get to write a Star Wars novel and what's involved. Tim was kind enough to answer a few questions. THE BEARDED TRIO: Welcome to the Star Wars expanded universe. How did you manage to get involved with the Star Wars universe? Tim Lebbon: I knew an editor at Star Wars Books from when she worked at another publisher, and when the Dawn of the Jedi novel cropped up, she thought of me! So Del Rey approached me, and I said yes after thinking about it for about a second. T.B.T: I see you mention on your website that you remember watching Star Wars when you were seven. Were you a big fan of the Wars? Did you have any of the vintage Kenner toys? T.L: Yeah, I was a big fan. I don't remember owning any of the toys, though my wife says she had the Millennium Falcon. Wish she still had it... T.B.T: What is your favourite Star Wars moment...

Disney Make It OFFICIAL. J.J. Abrams WILL Direct Star Wars VII

Disney and Lucasfilm confirmed this evening that 'Star Trek' director J.J. Abrams will direct the next 'Star Wars' film, expected to be released in 2015. After two days of unofficial news, Disney make it official by announcing the news. The announcement from : After a bevy of emails and phone calls, the formalities have been wrapped up, and at long last everyone can exhale and properly share the word with an excited Internet. Yes, J.J. Abrams will direct Star Wars: Episode VII, the first of a new series of Star Wars films to come from Lucasfilm under the leadership of Kathleen Kennedy. Abrams will be directing and Academy Award-winning writer Michael Arndt will write the screenplay. "It's very exciting to have J.J. aboard leading the charge as we set off to make a new Star Wars movie," said Kennedy. "J.J. is the perfect director to helm this. Beyond having such great instincts as a filmmaker, he has an intuitive understanding of ...

10 Reasons J.J. Abrams Is Good For Star Wars VII

Its looking likely that JJ Abrams is going to direct Star Wars VII.  Here are ten reasons in my opinion why JJ Abrams is good for Star Wars. Star Trek. I love Star Trek as much as Star Wars but before JJ Abrams brought us the 2009 Star Trek movie the franchise was dying if not dead.  Enterprise had long been cancelled and the last movie, Nemesis was not only a pile of steaming gagh, it also bombed at the box office.  JJ Abrams had a big task on his hand to reboot the franchise.  He not only successfully brought out a movie that pleased Star Trek fans, he also made the movie appeal to a new generation.  No mean task. Fringe The last episode has just aired in the US and UK.  If you missed the boat when it comes to this sci-fi thriller then you have missed quite possibly the best TV since Deep Space 9.  Created by JJ Abrams along with Alex Kurtzman, and Roberto Orci the series boasted some of the most in depth and three dimensional characte...

Photos: Skywalker Ranch Policies And Map Handouts

Skywalker Ranch Map These are from my personal collection.  They are scans of hand outs that you are given when you drive up to Skywalker Ranch.  Included are a Skywalker Ranch map, Skywalker Ranch policies and a parking permit (not shown) that you would put on your car's windscreen. Looking at the policies, imagine being a hired driver and not being allowed to look around?  How much of a tease would that be?  Also don't bring your dog.  Now take me to the archives building.  Straight up, turn left at the caretakers office and  straight on.  Where would be the first place at Skywalker Ranch you would go? Rob Wainfur @welshslider

THX Intro Animated GIF

I created this animated GIF of the THX logo introduction.  Thought you might like it. THX Logo GIF Rob Wainfur @welshslider

1983 Star Wars Advert From Famous Monsters Mag

Famous Monsters Star Wars advert I Came across this advert in my vintage Famous Monsters Magazine from 1983.  It features an ad for Kenner Star Wars figure and next to it Disney's The Black Hole figures.  I do remember owning a Maximillian figure and pretending he was Darth Vader as unfortunately at the time I didn't have the Sith Lord in my collection.  I wish I could pay those prices now. Rob Wainfur @welshslider

Origami X-Wing Made Out Of Pages From Star Wars Novels

origami x-wing You have to check out this impressive piece of artwork from  wetcanvas  on Deviantart.  Its an origami X-wing fighter.  What makes it even more impressive is the X-Wing from Star Wars is made up purely of Star Wars novels.  The artist writes Commissioned project. My client was wonderful and sent me a book to use. It was a collection of three Star Wars books in one. The ship ended up being a bit larger than I originally planned, so it was nice to have that thicker book to offset the ship and provide a little it more stability. And, if he ever gets tired of having the book laying on a shelf, the ship looked really cool by itself. He could always snip the wires and hang it over his bookshelf. The ship is attached in five places to the book with wire. The wings are wired through the body of the book, which has a cardboard core to hold its shape. The laser cannons are also wired. The artist has also done an origamo Millennium Falcon also from...

Video and Photos Of Star Wars Kenner Movieviewer

Star  Wars Movieviewer from Kenner I was listening to the Full Of Sith podcast this morning and they mention the different ways over the years that you could watch Star Wars.  One way that they mention was a portable camera toy that you turned the handle.  This was from Kenner and it was called the MovieViewer.  It had a cartridge in the camera and a white handle that you turned while looking through the view finder.  While turning you were treated to a few minutes of edited Star Wars.  It was best used underneath a light as this would enhance the brightness of the grainy picture. Well as luck has it, I have one of these toys in my collection.  I've taken a few photos and uploaded a video to give you an idea of what you see.  The cassette I have is called May the Force be with you  There were five in the Star Wars series.  The other four are Destroy Death Star, Battle in hyperspace, Cantina Scenes and Assault on Death Star. Let ...

RebelForce Radio Podcast Episode 1 Review

RebelForce Radio The first episode of RebelForce Radio has hit the web with hosts Jason Swank and Jimmy Mac, who have moved from The Forcecast. It's a new show, but does it have the same quality and regular content that we've come to expect and love? Well, I've just listened to the first episode and you can all breath now, the answer is YES. To use their words, it's a different house but has all the same ingredients. The first thing they address on the new show is the elephant in the room, and the question on all our minds, why the change? Jimmy and Jason sum it up in one word, Independence. They explain that they can increase communication on their website, facebook page and other web elements without being filtered, and when they communicate it will be from them. They assured us that Clone Wars round ups, live shows and fear not, the Where's Kitster? campaign would still be in the podcast although they joked they contacted Kitster about the changes but n...

Addar Jaws Super Scenes In A Bottle Photos

addar super scenes jaws I thought I would share my photos of one of my favourite items from my Jaws collection.   Addar's Super Scenes featuring Jaws .  It was a plastic model that you assemble and paint and the end result is a scene from Jaws in a bottle. The scene in question was a diver in a shark cage with the great white circling. instructions instructions The all important cork Rob Wainfur @welshslider

Full Of Sith Podcast Review

Full Of Sith PodCast There are a galaxy of Star Wars podcasts currently out there, and the numbers will continue to increase. Therefore it can be difficult to sift through the bantha fodder. Now, believe it or not, I'm somewhat of a latecomer to the whole podcast universe, and it's only in the last year or so, since my journey to work became considerably longer, have I started listening regularly to podcasts. I am particularly picky as to what I listen to, especially with Star Wars. The Forcecast, Anomaly, Sarlacc Pit and the new Rebel Force Radio are on my subscriptions list, but now that Full of Sith has arrived on the scene, if this episode is anything to go by, then another podcast will be on my regular list. The hosts - Bryan Young, Tha Mike Pilot, and Consetta Parker pull off a great scoop for only their second episode, an interview with Steve Sansweet. They are easy to listen to, are not in your face, and are very knowledgeable. They are genuine fans and are not ...

Here's the official PRESS RELEASE from RebelForce Radio

Here's the official press release from RebelForce Radio. It all kicks off Saturday. NEW STAR WARS THEMED PODCAST TO DEBUT JANUARY 19 Jason Swank and Jimmy Mac launch RebelForce Radio “A New Source For the Force” CHICAGO-George Lucas’ galaxy far, far away is about to get a lot closer as Jason Swank and Jimmy “Mac” McInerney (The ForceCast) present REBELFORCE RADIO, a new, independently produced weekly podcast featuring news, reviews, celebrity interviews, contests, and more from the ever expanding Star Wars universe. Hosted by podcasting veterans Jason Swank and Jimmy Mac (The ForceCast), RebelForce Radio will provide information and entertainment to a growing world-wide audience of Star Wars fans. The podcast will be broadcast LIVE Tuesday nights via the show’s website and released widely on Fridays for on-demand streaming and download. RebelForce Radio will also be heard Sunday afternoons at 2:00 PM Central on Chicago’s 1530 WCKG AM. “We have always prided ourselves o...

Did Peter Jackson Ruin The Hobbit with HFR?

A lthough Avatar was not the first to use the new standard of 3D, in my opinion it was the first to really show it's potential, especially if you were fortunate enough to see the film in IMAX.  It was a visual feast like I've never seen and will never forget.  It should have been a game changer.  Sadly, that hasn't been the case.  While James Cameron spent years making Avatar, putting his soul into the visual effects and ensuring the 3D offered an experience which pushed new boundaries, the vast majority of subsequent moves have been lazy, using 3D in an unashamed attempt to 'cash-in' .  Many films, instead of being shot with 3D cameras as they should be,  just converted post production, Clash of Titans notably comes to mind.  Its 3D offered us a never seen before cardboard cut-out effect, with acting to match! Now we have the next visual leap being offered to cinema goers in the form of the high frame rate (HFR) version of The Hobbit.  Wh...

Make Sure To Like Rebel Force Radio On Facebook

So as we just reported that Jimmy Mac and Jason Swank have parted ways with The Forcecast make sure you keep up to date with their latest production, Rebelforce Radio.  You can follow them on Facebook Click here to check them out

Jason and Jimmy leaving Forcecast

Just announced over at is the news that Jason Swank and Jimmy Mac are leaving the Forcecast to start their own productions called Rebel Force Radio. Fans have already started speculating what this will mean as the Forcecast podcast is the most popular Star Wars podcast official or unofficial. Growing from the initial desire by Dustin, who manages content here at to have a podcast presence, the ForceCast has dominated Star Wars podcasting since its inception, and we are all very proud of it, from when it was Jason and Pete, to Jason and Jimmy, who stepped up and stepped out incredibly when the need arose, and of their fans, who are some of the biggest Star Wars fans in the world. The guys are moving on though, to Rebel Force Radio, their own production. I'm sure there will be ample communication on this very soon. Ones thing for sure is if possible I will be tuning in to their new show. Least I can do. After all I had two mentions on the show last y...

Even More Rare Images Of Carrie Fisher - Part 2

We love Carrie Fisher and fans of the site will know we have posted images of the Star Wars acttess before.  ( November's Rare Images of Carrie Fisher .) We bring you even more rare images of our favourite actress and princess  Part 2.   Click here to see yesterdays Part 1

Always Reliable John Williams Gets An Oscar Nomination (Full List Of Nominations)

John Williams And Steven Spielberg Talk Lincoln When John Williams goes to work its a sure bet that what he produces will end up with a few shiny objects in recognition of what he produces.  So its no surprise that his latest work for Steven Spielberg's Lincoln has been nominated for an Oscar. Oscar nominees for 2013 Best Picture Amour Argo Beasts of the Southern Wild Django Unchained Les Miserables Life of Pi Lincoln Silver Linings Playbook Zero Dark Thirty Best Actress Jessica Chastain, Zero Dark Thirty Jennifer Lawrence, Silver Linings Playbook Emmanuelle Riva, Amour Quvenzhané Wallis, Beasts of the Southern Wild Naomi Watts, The Impossible Best Actor Bradley Cooper, Silver Linings Playbook Daniel Day-Lewis, Lincoln Hugh Jackman, Les Miserables Joaquin Phoenix, The Master Denzel Washington, Flight Supporting Actress Amy Adams, The Master Sally Field, Lincoln Anne Hathaway, Les Miserables Helen Hunt, The Sessions Jacki Weaver, Silver Linings...

Even More Rare Images Of Carrie Fisher Part 1

As one of our most popular post is from November's Rare Images of Carrie Fisher I bring you even more rare images of our favourite actress and princess.  Part 2 tomorrow