Jurassic Park Fan Creates Indomation. An Intense Stop-Motion Animated Short Complete With Raptor Chase
'Indomation.' A Jurassic Park Inspired Stop-Motion Animated Short Jurassic Park fan, Mason Drumm contacted The Bearded Trio and wanted to share with us his new fun animated short that has a lot of Jurassic Park and Jurassic World influence. Titled 'INDOMATION,' it's a stop-motion animated short that tells the story of our "hero" who just wants to order a pizza and have a relaxing evening watching Jurassic World. Unfortunately the raptors have better ideas and what follows is a rather intense chase scene through numerous hand built sets boasting impressive attention to detail and animation. Mason tells us the six minute movie took ninety three hours of animation and 7830 frames. A two month set build and thirty five sticks of glue. That's some dedication and it shows. Listen out for the plucky version of John Williams' Jurassic Park at the end. We've also include a behind the scenes video for you to see the amount of work that go...