Video: Pranksters Scare Shoppers With Killer Shark In FishMongers To Promote Sharknado 2: The Second One @SyfyUK
It's not Jaws by a long shot but Skarnado 2: The Second One is not designed to be taken seriously. It seems the promoters think the same too as they took to scaring shoppers of London with a movie killer shark hidden in a fishmongers. A terrifying attack by a killer shark shattered the peace at a quiet North London fishmonger after one bloodthirsty beast was let loose amid the catch of the day. Razor-sharp teeth… glassy dead eyes… and an immense cavernous mouth… But fortunately for the shoppers and staff at the fishmongers, this wasn’t a real shark – but a stunt dreamed up by special effects producers at Syfy to celebrate the release of Sharknado 2: The Second One. A team of four artists and animatronic wizards spent two weeks creating the lifelike animatronic shark and embedded it on a fish counter along with sides of salmon and fillets of haddock. Shoppers at Steve Hatt in Islington who were looking to top up on their Omega 3 got...