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Showing posts from October, 2015

George Lucas museum gets The Green Light From Council

Finally a breakthrough for George Lucas and his museum vision.  The Chicago City Council has approved a plan to build a museum along Lake Michigan. The “Star Wars” director plans to build the 300,000-square-foot Lucas Museum of Narrative Art along the city’s lake front. Aldermen took up the matter Wednesday without any discussion. A city zoning committee recommended approval of the proposed museum last week. Friends of the Park is not giving up just yet as they plan to sue the city park district over the plan. It argues that the museum isn’t in the best interests of residents and will violate the public trust because it will be built on reclaimed land that was once Lake Michigan. Construction could start in the spring and the museum could open by as early as 2019. The Bearded Trio - The Site For Steven Spielberg, George Lucas and John Williams THE BEARDED TRIO ON FACEBOOK THE BEARDED TRIO ON TWITTER THE BEARDED TRIO ON GOOGLE+ THE BEARDED TRIO ON PINTEREST CLI...


By Paul Gibbs When listing his feature films, Steven Spielberg doesn’t begin with 1974’s The Sugarland Express, his first film to get a theatrical release in the U.S., he begins with the 1971 made-for-television thriller Duel. And yet between these two he projects he directed two other TV movies, which do not earn the same proud place on the bearded one’s self-defined filmography. It’s likely that this is in part because Duel received a European theatrical release, but there is also a likely second explanation: they aren’t quite in the same category. The other two films have never been made available on home video, but a few years ago, I was able to track down one of them. Something Evil is a 1972 horror thriller that was Spielberg’s immediate follow up to Duel.  While not worthy of the same praise as its predecessor, Something Evil is nonetheless a fascinating viewing experience for the serious Spielberg fan, one which improved for me on a second viewing and still manages ...

J.J. Abrams - No More Trailers For The Force Awakens.

The Force Awakens director, J. J. Abrams recently confirmed that there will be NO MORE trailers released for The Force Awakens and TV spots are the most we can hope for now until it's release.  To be honest we don't need any more.  We're all excited for the movie and less is more now. What do you think? Watch the interview below along with one of the trailers for Star Wars:   The Force Awakens Rob @thebeardedtrio The Bearded Trio - The Site For Steven Spielberg, George Lucas and John Williams THE BEARDED TRIO ON FACEBOOK THE BEARDED TRIO ON TWITTER THE BEARDED TRIO ON GOOGLE+ THE BEARDED TRIO ON PINTEREST CLICK HERE FOR FACTS ON STEVEN SPIELBERG CLICK HERE FOR FACTS ON GEORGE LUCAS CLICK HERE FOR FACTS ON JOHN WILLIAMS

Darth Maul: Duel on Naboo Sixth Scale Figure by Sideshow Collectibles

“At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi. At last, we will have revenge!”  Darth Maul: Duel on Naboo Sixth Scale Figure by Sideshow Collectibles ■ Sculpted after the Duel of Naboo, this sixth scale figure captures every detail of the unforgettable villain. ■ Handcrafted with his signature red and black tattoos, sinister yellow eyes, and crown of horns. ■ This vicious Sith Lord comes ready with his double-bladed lightsaber with removable blades, a fully articulated body, and is decked out in a multi-layered all–black Sith garb. ■ Exclusive includes severed Lightsaber hilt. Release Date: Thursday, October 29th, 2015 – 9am PT URL: (Will not be live until 9:00am Pacific Time on Thursday) Price: $239.99 Payment Plan for as little as $54.00/month The Bearded Trio - The Site For Steven Spielberg, George Lucas and John Williams THE BEARDED TRIO ON FACEBOOK THE BEARDED TRIO ON TWITTER THE BEARDED TRIO ON GOOGLE+ THE BEARDED...

BRIDGE OF SPIES New Featurette - 'Taking A Stand'

A new featurette is now available to watch from Steven Spielberg's latest, Bridge of Spies. "I called Steven Spielberg up and I said, 'if you want, I'm in!'  Tom Hanks  talks about reading the script for Spielberg's forthcoming spy thriller  BRIDGE OF SPIES  and finding it  "fascinating"  in a new featurette available today The Bearded Trio - The Site For Steven Spielberg, George Lucas and John Williams THE BEARDED TRIO ON FACEBOOK THE BEARDED TRIO ON TWITTER THE BEARDED TRIO ON GOOGLE+ THE BEARDED TRIO ON PINTEREST CLICK HERE FOR FACTS ON STEVEN SPIELBERG CLICK HERE FOR FACTS ON GEORGE LUCAS CLICK HERE FOR FACTS ON JOHN WILLIAMS

Star Wars Rebels 'Always Two There Are' Review

Star Wars Rebels 'Always Two There Are' Review We begin during down time on The Ghost, which is the ship belonging to our group of rebels! In a tribute to Star Wars: A New Hope Captain Rex and Zeb are playing a game of Dejarik or Holochess if you prefer and Kanan is giving Ezra a Force lesson by lifting chopper, which unfortunately leads to a disagreement between Rex and Kanan about concentration, the angst between the two is still not resolved. Meanwhile Hera sends Zeb, Sabine and Kanan to a deserted space station to try and find some supplies. The three companions land on the seemingly deserted and eerie station, but it appears they are not alone! They reach a console which requires powering up from Chopper, but in doing so the calamitous little droid powers up the entire station, which instantly and rather conveniently lights up on the Empires radar like a set of Christmas lights!  Unfortunately for our heroes the Imperials have with them a Samurai...

BBC Children In Need Team Up With Lucasfilm To Bring Star Wars Special

Every year here in the UK BBC devote a whole evening to fundraising for Children In Need.  It's become a popular event and big stars are always willing to help beat last year's total which is always in the tens of millions. Lucasfilm and Disney are getting on board to help by teaming up with the BBC for a one-off special to air on the night.  Generally we get a Doctor Who special but it seems this year Star Wars is the flavour of the night. Return of the Jedi's Warwick Davis will be performing in the sketch along with R2-D2 and C3PO.  Davis took to Twitter to tweet his delight in being involved: Really excited about this and thrilled to be involved for @BBCCiN . #StarWars — Warwick Davis (@WarwickADavis) October 28, 2015 The sketch will also feature some famous faces including The Stig from Top Gear and Lord Alan Sugar. Tune into the BBC Children in Need Appeal show on Friday 13th November on BBC One from 7.30pm The Bearded Tri...

VIDEO - Top Ten LucasArts Games

"Steve and Larson mourn the loss of LucasArts by counting down their top ten greatest games ever!" The Bearded Trio - The Site For Steven Spielberg, George Lucas and John Williams THE BEARDED TRIO ON FACEBOOK THE BEARDED TRIO ON TWITTER THE BEARDED TRIO ON GOOGLE+ THE BEARDED TRIO ON PINTEREST CLICK HERE FOR FACTS ON STEVEN SPIELBERG CLICK HERE FOR FACTS ON GEORGE LUCAS CLICK HERE FOR FACTS ON JOHN WILLIAMS

Star Wars Rebels 'Relics Of The Old Republic' Review

Star Wars Rebels 'Relics Of The Old Republic' Review Were still on the same planet and our band of rebels and the old clones are lumbering across the desert on their  old Republic style lumbering walker. But problems are on the horizon, one literally in the form of a sandstorm and their ship is still busted, oh......The Empire is on its way to kick butt too!  Rex and his Clone buddies hand over the location of all old Rebel bases and hideouts that the new Rebellion can use to our visiting Rebels as they promised they would do. The Empire turns up and begin searching the planet for the Rebels, and on board the walker Wolffe, one of the Clones, receives a transmission from Agent Callus who wants their location, but Wolffe has had a change of heart and he and Captain Rex tells the enemy that the Jedi aren't there now, but Callus knows he is lying. TIE fighters turn up and a fight ensues but they manage ...

VIDEO: Doctor Who Behind-the-Scenes with "The Woman Who Lived"

Spoilers ahead for last Saturday's episode of Doctor Who , "The Woman Who Lived!" So, after all the rumors and rampant speculation, we now know the truth of Ashildr -- or, rather, Me. She is uniquely her own person, not the newest incarnation of a previous character. Turns out, she's a fascinating character, as well. We always imagine immortality would be a great thing -- but, would it really? This episode suggests the cons outweigh the pros. It remains to be seen if Ashildr/Me will make a return appearance, although that final seflie shot certainly hints at a strong possibility. For now, why don't we take a look behind-the-scenes of "The Woman Who Lived?" In lieu of the usual Doctor Who Extra -- and on the heels of #MaisieCam --  we've got #RufusCam, featuring one of the co-stars of this episode, Rufus Hound (Sam Swift): First up, Happy Birthday to Peter Capaldi! Cover up those tattoos... Someone needs another take... The Vill...

Frank Marshall Puts The Record Straight On The Current State Of Indiana Jones

Frank Marshall has recently done an interview with Total Film (via Den of Geek ) and the subject got on to Indiana Jones and the possibility of a fifth movie in the franchise.  Rumours of Chris Pratt taking the hat from Harrison Ford has lit up the Internet in previous months, so the producer decided to put the record straight: There are a lot of rumors. We haven’t even sat down to talk about Indy yet… at some point we’ll sit down. But there’s a bunch of people who could probably take the baton. [But we are] not doing the Bond thing where we’re going to call somebody else Indiana Jones… we have to figure this out. Now this doesn't mean that someone else couldn't take the lead role in an Indiana Jones film but what it does look like is the lead role would not be Indy himself.  As the quote mentions they are still figuring it out but from that I get that we may see an Indiana Jones film but with a new hero. What do you think? The Bearded Trio - The Site For Steven Sp...

Star Wars Comic Review: Shattered Empire #4

Star Wars Comic Review: Shattered Empire #4 The last instalment of the post Return Of The Jedi arc has come about too soon, out of all the comics are latest media releases, this is to me, by far the most intriguing. We join the Rebel Fleet in space where the Commanding Officers have gained intelligence indicating more Imperial attacks are on the horizon. Our heroine Shara is discussing the future with her Captain when he tells her that he has submitted her discharge papers so her and her husband can leave the Rebellion.  But before anything else can happen everyone's favourite Astromech droid R2-D2 attracts her attention and leads her to a certain  black clad Jedi, Luke Skywalker! Luke tells her he requires her to be a pilot and help him on a mission, of course she accepts and they board an Imperial Shuttle, where she puts on an Imperial officers uniform and Luke tells her they are goin...

Film & Comic Con Cardiff Review And Videos

Film & Comic Con Cardiff took place at the Motorpoint Arena on the 24th and 25th October in the Welsh capital of Cardiff.  The event, run by Showmasters always proves popular with the locals and fans from all over the country.  The guest line up was headlined by Carl Weathers from the Rocky films and also late announcement that peaked my interest, Margot Kidder who played Lois Lane in the Superman movies of the 70's and 80's.  Both were on my list of autographs I just had to get on Saturday. Arriving just after 9am we headed into the massive arena and were greeted by a talking Kitt car from the classic 80's TV series, Knightrider.  After taking a photo (which was harder than we thought.  The owner was constantly cleaning Kitt, and to be honest who wouldn't?) we headed towards the stalls.  My mission was to get my hands on the Jaws Reaction figures.  A quick glance across at the stalls and I had a feeling these were going to prove illusive. ...

The Star Wars News

Only 2 bits of news this week that you need!!!...... The Official Star Wars: The Force Awakens poster was revealed last Sunday. Then during Monday Nights NFL game this happened...... The Official full length theatrical trailer for Star Wars; The Force Awakens made its debut and sparked a frenzy as the tickets for the movies December release went on sale worldwide! By Steve Po tter You can find me here ; Facebook & Twitter The Bearded Trio - The Site For Steven Spielberg, George Lucas and John Williams THE BEARDED TRIO ON FACEBOOK THE BEARDED TRIO ON TWITTER THE BEARDED TRIO ON GOOGLE+ THE BEARDED TRIO ON PINTEREST CLICK HERE FOR FACTS ON STEVEN SPIELBERG CLICK HERE FOR FACTS ON GEORGE LUCAS CLICK HERE FOR FACTS ON JOHN WILLIAMS

Win Royal Mail Star Wars Stamps In Our Awesome Competition

The Royal Mail release this week a range of wonderful Star Wars stamps which are proving to be extremely popular with collectors of both stamps and Star Wars.  The Bearded Trio were lucky enough to be sent a few sets for us to enjoy and we thought why not give our readers a chance at winning them? What can you win I hear you ask?  Well one lucky winner will win not one but two sets from the Star Wars Royal Mail collection.  The first is this stamp souvenir featuring a range of the iconic ships from Star Wars: We don't stop there as we'll also give the lucky winner this visually stunning souvenir sheet which features the 12 Character stamps on a unique star scape depicting an X-Wing pursued by Imperial Tie Fighters. To enter all you have to do is answer one simple question below.  We've even made it multiple choice.  All you have to do is either leave your answer on our Facebook page , tweet your answer to  @thebeardedtrio or email rob@thebe...