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Showing posts from March, 2013

Quick Fire Questions. This Week, Bryan Young Of Full Of Sith

This week's quick fire questions are being shot at Bryan Young from the most excellent Star Wars podcast, Full Of Sith . Bryan is also editor-in-chief of one my favourite lunch time websites, . As if this wasn't enough Bryan also writes regular articles for The Huffington Post and has a monthly column on the official Star Wars website . He is also an author and you can catch up on his writings over on his website Right this should be a good one. Here we go: 1 You're stuck in a swamp on Dagobah. What one movie, TV show, album and book would you take? That's easy, Return of the Jedi, The Clone Wars, Slim Cessna's Auto Club's "Cypher," and something from Kurt Vonnegut's ouvre. Or Graham Greene. Damnit, maybe some Hemingway. Or Steinbeck's East of Eden. That really wasn't as easy as I thought it was going to be. 2 If you could invite any three people (alive or not, fictitious or no...

Video: BBC Barry Norman film 1978 / Superman The Movie Royal Premiere.

This is a rare video of BBC's Barry Norman in 1978 talking about the upcoming movie called Superman .  The video quality isn't the best, after all it was recorded onto VHS in 1978 and probably didn't use a Scotch tape, (re-record not fade away.) The video then cuts to various news reports on the movie including the movie royal premiere of Superman.  This video is like a time machine and will bring a smile to your face if you remember the 70's and in particular British TV.  There is a great part when Christopher Reeve tells a kid that "no one can actually fly so don't try to jump off a kitchen table."  The video ends with Barry Norman's actual review of the movie and classes Reeve as one of his best newcomer's of the year. Enjoy. Rob Wainfur @welshslider

7 Great Behind The Scenes Photos From Indiana Jones


New Stan Winston School Video Shows Brachiosaurus Rehearsals have release another revealing video showing rehearsals being done on one of the largest dinoaurs in Jurassic Park, the Brachiosaurus.  It show the dinosaur moving its mouth to simulate it eating before it was packed up and shipped out to the studios. Here's what A ndy Schoneberg (Lead JP Brachiosaurus Artist, SWS) has to say about the video. You're looking at a video of the Brachiosaurus rehearsals in the shop at Stan's [ Stan Winston Studio ] before the Brach was packed up and taken to stage 28 at Universal [Studios]. You can see the mouth movement. It's a seven and a half foot tall puppet that included the head of course and part of the neck. See the full article here Rob THE BEARDED TRIO ON FACEBOOK THE BEARDED TRIO ON TWITTER THE BEARDED TRIO ON GOOGLE+

Harry Potter And Superman 2 Actor Richard Griffiths Dies

Actor Richard Griffiths, who starred in the Harry Potter films and played one of the terrorists in Superman 2 has died age 65 after complications following heart surgery. Richard Griffiths enjoyed a successful acting career appearing in numerous TV roles including Minder, The Sweeney and Bergerac.  He also enjoyed being in some of the biggest movie blockbusters including Vernon Dursley in the Harry Potter movies, The Naked Gun and one of the terrorists in Superman 2. Daniel Radcliffe was among the first to pay tribute, saying: "Richard was by my side during two of the most important moments of my career. I was proud to know him. "Any room he walked into was made twice as funny and twice as clever just by his presence," he said. Actor Warwick Davis told BBC News he had the up most respect for someone with such a great filmography behind them. "He was lovely, he would always make time for his fans, that's what makes a great actor, it's about hav...

Today's Photos: George Lucas


Four Additional Jurassic Park Tracks Selected By John Williams For 20th Anniversary

John Williams has selected four additional music queues from the  Jurassic Park  movie to add to the soundtrack’s 20th anniversary re-release for the first time ever. Music Connection  says, these four songs “were chosen by Williams in conjunction with his music editor, Ramiro Belgardt. Williams and Belgradt went back through all of the master tapes of the film to spot cues that were not released on the original album.” The new track listing is as follows. The new songs are tracks 17 through 20: 1. Opening Titles 2. Theme From Jurassic Park 3. Incident At Isla Nublar 4. Journey To The Island 5. The Raptor Attack 6. Hatching Baby Raptor 7. Welcome To Jurassic Park 8. My Friend, The Brachiosaurus 9. Dennis Steals The Embryo 10. A Tree For My Bed 11. High-Wire Stunts 12. Remembering Petticoat Lane 13. Jurassic Park Gate 14. Eye To Eye 15. T-Rex Rescue & Finale 16. End Credits 17. The History Lesson 18. Stalling Around 19. The Coming Storm 20. Hungry Raptor ...

The technique LucasArts used to design its classic adventure games

Gamasutra have published a rather interesting article on the technique Lucasarts used to design its adventure games.  Noah Falstein talks about the puzzle dependency chart that was developed by Monkey Island's Ron Gilbert. The technique breaks games down into a flow chart that simplifies a game's narrative into objectives and solutions.  The chart above is for Lucasart's Grim Fandango. Its a very interesting article and you click here to read it in full THE BEARDED TRIO ON FACEBOOK THE BEARDED TRIO ON TWITTER THE BEARDED TRIO ON GOOGLE+

Behind The Scenes: Steven Spielberg

Hello?  We're gonna need a bigger boat spielberg chilling Spielberg having a bad day? Spielberg and Dustin Hoffman as Hook Spielberg & E.T. John Williams and Steven Spielberg Spielberg behind the camera Rob THE BEARDED TRIO ON FACEBOOK THE BEARDED TRIO ON TWITTER THE BEARDED TRIO ON GOOGLE+

10 Star Wars Characters You Are Unlikely To See In Star Wars VII

With the internet buzzing at the moment with speculation of who will be in Star Wars VII I thought I would speculate who will NOT be in the movie.  With just a hint of sarcasm I give you ten Star Wars characters you are unlikely to see in Star Wars VII. Jira 10 - Jira (Storms coming Annie, you better get home quick.) Yes that old lady from Phantom Menace.  I'm only guessing here but I would be very surprised if we see her or her food stand in Star Wars VII.  I would hope she's paid the mortgage off on her hut now and enjoying enjoyed a quiet retirement making wind chimes to warn visitors of any incoming storms. TK-421 9 - TK-421 (Why arn't you at your post.) I can reveal to you now that a source told me he was asked to be in Star Wars VII. Yes really!  But on the day of the audition they called his name and he was no where to be seen.  Shame.  Next! Uncle Owen Left and Aunt Beru Right 8 - Uncle Owen & Aunt Beru Too soon? Max...

Home Made Jurassic Park Shot For Shot Clip

Now this is really cool.  In fact it makes me want to do this myself. Super fans of Jurassic Park have recreated the "chaos theory" scene shot for shot and with a rather impressive impersonation of Jeff Goldblum.  Make sure you don't miss the rather high tech dinosaur shot. After this video I am definitively subscribing to their Youtube video.  Check them out here but before you do check the videos below - CINEFIX . To see how accurate they were, check out this comparison video. If you want to kit your own car out with the same décor as one of the Jurassic Park cars then watch this behind the scenes video to see how it was done. What scene from a movie would you like recreated?  What about the Indianapolis scenes from Jaws?  May get to work on that one. Rob @welshslider THE BEARDED TRIO ON FACEBOOK THE BEARDED TRIO ON TWITTER THE BEARDED TRIO ON GOOGLE+

Behind The Scenes - Back To The Future Movies

I'll let you into a little secret.  When I was younger and first laid eyes on the hoverboard from BTTF 2, I really thought they were real and that Matel was letting the movie producers use a prototype that was going to hit the market in a few years. I'm still waiting. Rob @welshslider THE BEARDED TRIO ON FACEBOOK THE BEARDED TRIO ON TWITTER THE BEARDED TRIO ON GOOGLE+

Making Of Wing Commander III : Heart Of The Tiger With Mark Hamill, John Rhys-Davies

I thought I would share this making of video from 1994.  Its the making of Wing Commander III: Heart Of The Tiger.  The cast was huge and had Mark Hamill, John Rhys-Davies, Tom Wilson and Malcolm Mcdowell to name but a few. Its a great making of documentary and shows Mark Hamill and John Rhys-Davies talking about the new filming technique at the time called green screen technology. Personally I loved this game and was amazed when I first saw the graphics and the movie segments.  The game was a pig to load though and spent many hours trying to get a boot disk with enough expanded and extended memory to get it to even load up.  Ahhh.  Great times. Rob @welshslider