10 Obscure Behind The Scenes Facts About The Indiana Jones Movies With the release of Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny hitting the big screens this week there are a lot of Indiana Jones articles flying around out there and in particular a number of "fun facts about Indiana Jones" so we thought it would be good to do the same but choose a few that a bit more obscure. 1 - Steven Spielberg's First Gunfight Did you know the gunfight at The Raven (Marion Ravenwood's bar) was Steven Spielberg first gunfight he shot? Steven Spielberg on that scene: "My first real-good-guy-versus-bad-guy shoot-'em-up. And it was just a lot of fun. I found the slower we played the gunfight for the camera the faster and more directed the shots seemed to come out." 2- The Raven Almost Ended In Disaster Sticking with that scene in The Raven and Frank Marshall remembers the fire getting out of control. "the firemen had to come in, I looked up and the flames were lickin...
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