Kenny Baker Answers Our Quick Fire Questions We were lucky enough to have the opportunity to ask Kenny Baker some quick fire questions. Big thanks to Ken Mills author of Tiny Acorns for making this all possible. Ken said "It was a refreshing change not to get the usual "Was it hot in the robot in the desert ? " We wanted to try something different so here goes: What was your favourite Star Wars moment? Favourite Star Wars moment was receiving the first pay cheque - £20,000 which couldn't have come at a better time and helped buy the house outright. What was your least favourite moment? Least favourite thing was having to wear the Ewok costumes - they were so uncomfortable . What is the most unusual thing you have been asked to do by a fan? Being asked to sign certain parts of ladies anatomies ( cleaned up ) Although you have worked with so many superstars over the years, is there still someone you would love to work with? Who would I loved to ha...
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