Indiana Jones and the Search for the Lost Idol This is a fan-made Indiana Jones movie by a dedicated fan who obviously loves the franchise very much. He says the movie is dedicated to Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, Harrison Ford, John Williams and all the team behind the "Indiana Jones" movies. "INDIANA JONES and the search for the lost idol", was shot entirely in Tenerife (Canary Islands) in 2008. Was conducted without a budget, without the help of a producer, without a proffesional team, only with a group of friends, my Canon XL2 and much love for cinema. This short film is a personal tribute to a director who admire a lot, Steven Spielberg. The short film won the 1st Prize in Tri-City Independent/Fan Film Festival "TCIF3" fan film category (Washington, 2009), was showed in New York Comic Con (New York, 2009), was premiered at Yelmo theatres (Tenerife, 2008) and was showed in CIFICOM (Madrid, 2011). Synopsis: The story begins in Tenerife (1...
Celebrating the works of John Williams, Steven Spielberg and George Lucas. A fan site run by fans for fans. Lets have some fun and share the passion.