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Showing posts from June, 2012

FAN VIDEO: Indiana Jones and the Search for the Lost Idol

Indiana Jones and the Search for the Lost Idol This is a fan-made Indiana Jones movie by a dedicated fan who obviously loves the franchise very much.  He says the movie is dedicated to Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, Harrison Ford, John Williams and all the team behind the "Indiana Jones" movies. "INDIANA JONES and the search for the lost idol", was shot entirely in Tenerife (Canary Islands) in 2008. Was conducted without a budget, without the help of a producer, without a proffesional team, only with a group of friends, my Canon XL2 and much love for cinema. This short film is a personal tribute to a director who admire a lot, Steven Spielberg. The short film won the 1st Prize in Tri-City Independent/Fan Film Festival "TCIF3" fan film category (Washington, 2009), was showed in New York Comic Con (New York, 2009), was premiered at Yelmo theatres (Tenerife, 2008) and was showed in CIFICOM (Madrid, 2011). Synopsis: The story begins in Tenerife (1...

The Entire Empire Strikes Back As One Gif File - MUST SEE

Quite possibly the best Gif file I have ever seen. The Empire Strikes Back recreated as a two-minute long 8-bit animation.

Jaws is 37 years young today

June 20th 1975, Jaws became a household name. Jaws become an international phenomenon, grossing more than $470 million worldwide. Adjusted for inflation, that's roughly $2 billion in total sales, $1 billion in the U.S. alone. Bringing with it one of the most misquoted movie quotes of all times. "you're gonna need a bigger boat" is often misquoted as "we're gonna need a bigger boat." Happy Birthday Jaws.  Look forward to seeing you on Blu-ray soon, very soon. ORIGINAL JAWS TRAILER 1975

Read The Leaked E.T Sequel Script Here. E.T II Nocturnal Fears

Read the leaked nine page story treatment below. Called E.T. II Nocturnal Fears. I've converted the PDF that is doing the rounds into jpegs. Click each one for a larger version.  The sequel reminds me in some way of Falling Skies.  Kids being controlled against their will.  Korel and the evil aliens have been at war with E.T. and his species for decades.  An interesing read.

Steven Spielberg directing Jaws

American Star Wars Gothic


Luke! We're Gonna Have Company!

Boba Fett's Great Grandfather

Star Wars Characters as Cats. Chewbaccat? It's A Cat!

No idea why!  Just thought it was worth posting.

Star Wars Cantina Floor Plan

Ever wondered where everyone was in the Cantina?  Well now wonder no more.  Thanks to we now have this handy floor plan so we will never be embarcadero and forget the name of that bug faced guy over there giving me the eye(s)

Funny Star Wars Tabloid Cover - QUI-GON LIVES!

Red Tails - A Drinking Game

Chocks Aways!  A Red Tails Drinking Game Having done my quick review of Red Tails that I watched tonight I couldn't help noticing that whisky crops up a few times throughout the movie. Even though I enjoyed the movie I was craving a shot of bourbon afterwards. (That's normal right?) So in preparation for my second viewing (either cinema or the eventual Blu-ray release) I thought a Red Tails drinking game would be a great addition. Here we go. (There may be a tiny bit of a spoiler alert here.) 1 - You see a glass of whisky in the movie - take a swig 2 - "Lightning" disobeys orders - take a swig 3 - Black Jesus is mentioned - down a drink 4 - Someone tries to speak another language - take a sip 5 - A German plane is shot down - take a swig 6 - Coffee complains about the state of his planes - down a drink 7 - "Easy" has a drink - take a gulp 8 - "Easy" pours his whisky away - down a drink 9 - A wing gets detached from a...

REVIEW: Red Tails - A Movie You Must See

Red Tails Is Flying High S o tonight I watched Red Tails from Lucasfilm.  A true story about the Tuskegee black African airmen.  Produced by George Lucas and Rick McCallum this is a film that has been in the making for a number of years and now its finally here I can say that the wait was worth waiting for.  The film immediately opens with an explosive start.  No slow build up here.  The attack and ultimate destruction of a German military train pulls you straight into the movie and straight away you're on the edge of your seat. Red Tails is packed with battle scenes throughout, of which are spectacular.  Industrial Light And Magic who did the special effects have out done themselves.  The dog fights are fast paced but done in a way that you know exactly what is going on.  The screen is never overfilled with action which a lot of modern day movies tend to be guilty of.  Transformers anyone?  But the m...

George Lucas At The Monaco Grand Prix 2012

Mark Webber of Australia and Red Bull Racing talks with film director George Lucas, following qualifying for the Monaco Formula One Grand Prix at the Circuit de Monaco. Picture: Getty Images