Happy Birthday Star Wars. 42 years ago today movie history was created. I was lucky enough (and old enough) to remember the phenomenon that changed my life. I was five years old and from the moment I left the cinema I've craved Star Wars. Thank you George Lucas for giving the world Star Wars and for letting us play in your galaxy. I was either five or six being either 1977 or 1978 when Star Wars first hit our cinemas here in South Wales. In those days, there always seemed to be a huge gap between US releases and the rest of the world. Anyway I had never heard of Star Wars and out of the blue my brother, who is sadly no longer with us asked if I would like to go and see this space film. Any trip to the cinema back then was like someone taking you to a magical land. Of course I said yes. The cinema was a small two screen affair. No multi screens in those days, well at least not around our way. One screen was showing Star W...
Celebrating the works of John Williams, Steven Spielberg and George Lucas. A fan site run by fans for fans. Lets have some fun and share the passion.