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A Round-Up of Recent 'Doctor Who' Interviews; Series 8 Premiere will be Broadcast to Theaters Worldwide - **UPDATED**

The latest issue of Entertainment Weekly features Doctor Who on its cover, and well as an interview with the new Doctor himself, Peter Capaldi.

Of the new Doctor, Capaldi says we can expect him to be “more alien than we’ve seen him for a while.  He is less patient with the foibles of human beings.”

In a recent interview with The Sunday Times, Capaldi was asked about his relationship with Clara:

“There’ll be no flirting, that’s for sure.  It’s not what this Doctor is concerned with.  It’s quite a fun relationship but I did call and say, ‘I want no Papa-Nicole moments.’  There was a bit of tension with that at first, but I was absolutely adamant.”

He also comments on the Doctor’s new costume, as compared to the previous Doctor [played by Matt Smith]:

“I think it’s quite a hard look.  I always wanted him to be in black - I just always saw The Doctor in dark colors.  Not tweed.  Matt’s a really young cool guy - he can wear anything, but I wanted to strip it back and be very stark.”

And on what we can expect from series 8 on the whole:

“We still blow a lot of s*** up.  That’s very important, but it’s going to be a bit different from what we’ve seen over recent years.  A bit more gravity.  Some situations are a bit more sombre and I think there are more rooted dramatic scenes…. we have another level of drama, another tone.  And the scenes are longer."

As seen in some photos, such as the one below, a signet ring has been made to hide Capaldi’s wedding ring, which he prefers to leave on whenever possible.  

Speaking with Empire magazine, Ben Wheatley [the director of the series 8 premiere episode, "Deep Breath"] said that "Capaldi's his own man but there are elements of Baker and Troughton and Pertwee.  He's inherently funny but inherently brooding and complicated, as a performer and a man." 

The new series of Doctor Who premieres on August 23rd on BBC One in the U.K., and on BBC America in the U.S.  The episode will also be simulcast live worldwide in select theaters [as was done with the 50th anniversary special last November].  Details are forthcoming - Check this link for updates: 

Check out the most recent trailer below:

**UPDATE**  SFX is featuring five Doctor Who collectible covers for their latest issue!

Sources: The Sunday Times and Empire via Blogtor Who, and Entertainment Weekly -- Check your newsstands for Empire, SFX, and Entertainment Weekly now!



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