Here's ten vintage photos of Harrison Ford from different times throughout his career. The man just oozes coolness. Harrison Ford on holiday - Wales 2004 Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Look closely and you will see Ford wearing an E.T. badge. Eric Idle with Mark Hamill and Harrison Ford Mark Hamill and Harrison Ford The Bearded Trio - The Site For Steven Spielberg, George Lucas and John Williams THE BEARDED TRIO ON FACEBOOK THE BEARDED TRIO ON TWITTER THE BEARDED TRIO ON GOOGLE+ THE BEARDED TRIO ON PINTEREST CLICK HERE FOR FACTS ON STEVEN SPIELBERG CLICK HERE FOR FACTS ON GEORGE LUCAS CLICK HERE FOR FACTS ON JOHN WILLIAMS
Celebrating the works of John Williams, Steven Spielberg and George Lucas. A fan site run by fans for fans. Lets have some fun and share the passion.