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John Williams SpaceCamp Soundtrack Two CD Intrada Album Announced

SpaceCamp Gets The Intrada Two Disc Treatment

I will let you into a little secret.  I love a good training montage.  Most people when they think of such a thing will instantly go to the Rocky movies but for me its got to be SpaceCamp.  John Williams brings us a cracking two minutes training montage that never fails to bring a retro 1986 smile to my face.  Actually, I've always thought that the SpaceCamp soundtrack from John Williams often gets overlooked and it's a shame because it's a classic 1980's John Williams score.  Thankfully, the good folks over at Intrada are bringing out a two-disc special edition that will hopefully give it the love it fully deserves.

For this release, producer Mike Matessino built the complete score program from Armin Steiner's original three-track film mixes, featuring a breathtaking and sweeping clarity to the score. This is featured on disc 1, along with three extras. Disc 2 presents the original RCA program as mixed for record by Len Engel from a newly mastered hi-res transfer of the 1/4" album master. Matessino also wrote the detailed liner notes within.

Intrada, in cooperation with ABC and Sony Music Entertainment, presents the long-sought expansion of John Williams' glorious score to 1986 feature film SpaceCamp. Williams' approach was to focus on the magic and mystery of space and the emotions surrounding the adventure of orbital flight. While strong conclusions to film scores are a rarity these days, Williams brings the adventure to a close with not one, but two thundering endings ("Home Again" and "SpaceCamp"). Interestingly, the beautiful, soaring style he brought to SpaceCamp is a style he carried over into the following years' Witches of Eastwick (the largely unused ballroom sequence) and parts of Empire of the Sun, before moving on stylistically. The original RCA program (issued twice by Intrada) was fairly comprehensive, save a handful of missing cues, the most striking omission being the "Arriving At Daedalus" cue, featuring a thrilling fanfare, distinct from any other part of the score.

In composing the music, I’ve tried to express the exhilaration of this adventure in an orchestral
idiom that would be direct and accessible... speaking directly to the “heart” of the matter.
--John Williams

01. Main Title (3:10)
02. The Jinx Connection* (0:31)
03. Friends Forever (2:23)
04. Training Montage (2:07)
05. The Computer Room (1:55)
06. Jinx Commits* (1:19)
07. The Shuttle (5:10)
08. In Orbit (3:19)
09. Insufficient Oxygen (3:25)
10. Arriving At Daedalus And Morse Code* (2:09)
11. Viewing Daedalus (2:50)
12. I Can’t Reach It* (1:51)
13. Max Finds Courage (2:24)
14. Max Breaks Loose (2:25)
15. Rudy Comes Through* (1:38)
16. Andie Is Stranded (4:13)
17. White Sands (Film Version) (3:41)
18. Re-Entry (4:00)
19. Home Again (3:34)
20. SpaceCamp (4:12)
Total Score Time: 56:43)

21. Main Title (Film Version)* (3:14)
22. White Sands [Album Edit] (6:57)
23. Home Again (Short Version) (2:44)
Total Extras: 13:05
Total Disc Time: 69:53
*previously unreleased

01. Main Title (3:08)
02. Training Montage (2:02)
03. The Shuttle (5:05)
04. The Computer Room (1:56)
05. Friends Forever (2:22)
06. In Orbit (3:15)
07. White Sands (6:55)
08. SpaceCamp (4:09)
09. Viewing Daedalus (2:48)
10. Max Breaks Loose (2:23)
11. Andie Is Stranded (4:11)
12. Max Finds Courage (2:22)
13. Re-Entry (3:57)
14. Home Again (3:33)
Total Time: 48:36

Retail Price: $30.99
Barcode: 7 20258 54740 8
Starts Shipping 5/16
For track listing and sound samples, please visit the Spacecamp soundtrack page.

The Bearded Trio - The Site For Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, John Williams and a whole lot more.


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