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Original Concept Artwork goes under the hammer. Work From Close Encounters, Back to the Future and more.

Paintings, sketches, and more from Star Wars, Batman, Star Trek, Back to the Future, Ghostbusters to go under the hammer in upcoming Los Angeles auction
  • Original hand-painted Bob Peak poster concept art from Star Trek III: The Search For Spock (1984) is estimated to sell between $10,000 – 15,000 (£7.6k – 11.4k) as part of Prop Store’s Entertainment Memorabilia Live Auction on Wednesday 26th August and Thursday 27th August 2020, featuring a collection of film memorabilia worth over $6 million (£4.8 million)
  • Over 850 unique and original items to be made available to bidders in one of the world’s largest live auctions of film and television memorabilia
  • Bids can be placed online from anywhere in the world, by phone or in person
Prop Store is hosting another auction and this time you could get your hands on a hand-drawn Ralph McQuarrie concept painting from BACK TO THE FUTURE: THE RIDE (1991) and the estimate is "only" $4k – 6k (£3k – 4.5k.) If that doesn't fill your fusion reactor then you can always bid on an original Ralph McQuarrie concept drawing from STAR DANCING (EARLY 1970s), the job that eventually got him hired for STAR WARS (1977). That's a cool estimate of $18k – 22k (£13.7k – 16.8k.) I just won an Ebay auction for a rather battered vintage Kenner Zuckuss Star Wars Figure for £5 and I'm still thinking about that fiver. Never mind, we can always dream.

Brandon Alinger, Prop Store COO, commented on the upcoming auction: “We make sure that Prop Store’s auctions show reverence to every aspect of the filmmaking process, including the incredible artwork produced for our favorite films. Film productions require collaboration across a wide range of disciplines, and there are some incredible designers and illustrators working in the space. We’re thrilled to have such amazing representations of the artwork element of the industry in this year’s auction. Our original Ralph McQuarrie pieces from Star Wars and Back to the Future are stunning, and the Bob Peak Star Trek III poster painting is a rare original from one of cinema’s top illustrators. Prop Store is thrilled to be offering such wonderful pieces to fans, together with over 850 props and costumes at Prop Store’s Entertainment Memorabilia Live Auction on August 26th and 27th, 2020.”

Notable items to be sold at the Prop Store auction (with estimated sale prices) include:

  • Original Ralph McQuarrie Concept Drawing from STAR DANCING (EARLY 1970s), the job that eventually got him hired for STAR WARS (1977). Estimate $18k – 22k (£13.7k – 16.8k)
  • Hand-Painted Bob Peak Poster Concept Illustration from STAR TREK III: THE SEARCH FOR SPOCK (1984). Estimate $10k – 15k (£7.6k – 11.4k)
  • Hand-Drawn Ralph McQuarrie Luke Skywalker Concept Sketch from STAR WARS: THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK (1980). Estimate $10k – 15k (£7.6k – 11.4k)
  • Hand-Drawn Ralph McQuarrie Vader Jumping Concept Sketch from STAR WARS: THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK (1980). Estimate $8k – 10k (£6.1k – 7.6k)
  • Hand-Painted Lance Anderson "Indiana Jones" Master Title Art from INDIANA JONES AND THE TEMPLE OF DOOM (1984). Estimate $3k – 5k (£2.2k – 3.8k)
  • Brothers Hildebrandt Painting of Princess Leia from STAR WARS: SHADOWS OF THE EMPIRE (1990s). Estimate $6k – 8k (£4.5k – 6.1k)
  • Starship Enterprise Docking Hand-Painted Matte Painting from STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION (T.V. SERIES, 1987-1994). Estimate $5k – 7k (£3.8k – 5.3k)
  • Hand-Painted Jack Johnson End Scene Concept Illustration from GHOSTBUSTERS II (1989). Estimate $4k – 6k (£3k – 4.5k)
  • Hand-Drawn Ralph McQuarrie Concept Painting from BACK TO THE FUTURE: THE RIDE (1991). Estimate $4k – 6k (£3k – 4.5k)
  • Hand-Painted George Jensen Landing Site Illustration from CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND (1977). Estimate $4k – 6k (£3k – 4.5k)
  • Hand-Drawn Runner Alien Illustration from ALIEN3 (1992). Estimate $600 – 800 (£450 – 610)
  • Set of four Hand-drawn Storyboards from BATMAN (1989). Estimate $1.2k – 1.8k (£900 – 1.3k)
The auction will be live-streamed online for fans to track the bidding on auction day. Registration is now open at Online proxy bids can now be submitted.

The Bearded Trio - The Site For Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, John Williams and a whole lot more.


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