Steven Spielberg and His Missing Force Button
Steven Spielberg as you probably already know is a bit of a gamer and it was only natural when the director was doing one of his regular visits to Lucasfilm in the early 80's that he set his sites on the Star Wars arcade machine that just happened to be taking residence.Little did Spielberg know that the machine that was at Lucasfilm was being used and studied by Peter Langston (Ball Blazer and Rescue on Fractalus!) who was there for Lucasfilm Games (later to be Lucasarts.)

A few years later Spielberg was visiting Lucasfilm and asked if he could borrow the game while filming Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom to help with the quiet periods. Well of course Spielberg fell in love with the machine and decided to order one for himself. When the game arrived at his home he was immediately on the phone to Atari, the makers of the game asking where the "Force" button was. Atari had to explain to the director that this feature wasn't part of the original game.
Imagine his disappointment finding out that his Star Wars arcade game was missing The Force.
Both George Lucas and Steven Spielberg enjoy a video game:
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Steven Spielberg E3 2015 |
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George Lucas trying the sit down version of the Star Wars Arcade Machine |
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George Lucas getting instructions on how to blow up the Death Star |
The Bearded Trio - The Site For Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, John Williams and a whole lot more.
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