EVA Pod From 2001: A Space Odyssey In Star Wars The Phantom Menace
Qui-Gon Jinn walks through Watto’s junk pile at Mon Espa, Tatooine. A scene from Star Wars - Episode 1: The Phantom Menace. It's not the most interesting photo from a movie, but wait! What's that? Is that a prop from another movie? Why, yes it is. That is a pod from Stanley Kubrick's, 2001: A Space Odyssey. To be more specific, it's actually an EVA Pod used for extra-vehicular activity. The Jupiter spacecraft Discovery One carries three on-board.What's strange about this prop from the 1968 sci-fi classic ending up in the 1999 Star Wars movie is Stanley Kubrick insisted that all props for 2001: A Space Odyssey be destroyed. It's a mystery how this ended up in a movie 31 years later. Perhaps it's not an original but a replica but its still a nice nod to Kubrick's classic.
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Hi. The pod prop in Phantom Menace was indeed a replica. It's possible to tell since it's not very accurate, plus you can see it under construction in one of the promo webisodes - Ewan McGregor is walking along through Leavesden and it's visible in the background.