May 4th Gift Idea - Star Wars Original Stormtrooper Decanter
If you like to wet your whistle with a good single malt or a quality brandy and you want to still show off your love for that galaxy far, far away then the good folks over at have the perfect solution. It's this decanter that has been styled in the shape of the original Stormtrooper. It holds 750ml which as most of you drinkers will know, just happens to be the same amount in one standard size bottle of grog. What's more they also have the matching glasses (sold separately) to accompany the decanter.A perfect gift for any Star Wars fan, just don't blame us if this contributes to you losing your ship in a game of Sabaac.
The price is a reasonable £19.99 and you can order yours here.
The Bearded Trio - The Site For Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, John Williams and a whole lot more.
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