Why Is There A Strange Cut In The 1982 Horror Classic, Poltergeist? If you're a fan of the 1982 Horror classic, Poltergeist then you will be very familiar with that "weird" cut in the movie. It's 32 minutes and 47 seconds in to the movie and the scene is where Diane is explaining the strange phenomenon that is happening in the kitchen. First, she shows to Steve a chair scraping across the floor all on its own then she does the same with Carol Anne. Steve leans up against the kitchen wall and is completely shocked at what just happened. It's at this point Diane starts to explain the sensation of being pulled and then...A very abrupt cut. One moment we are listening to Diane and suddenly it cuts to Diane and Steve at their next door neighbours door. Why the sudden cut? It's on the VHS, DVD, Blu-Ray and even the streaming versions. Why does this awful and weird cut exist in the movie, Poltergeist? Watch the clip below to see the cut...
Great stuff, one amazing director on another.