Diverse Fan Reactions to Rogue One - Guest Post By Patty Hammond
It has been almost a week since Rogue One: A Star Wars Story has been released and many reviews have been posted by a variety of media
outlets. Today, I want to share with you
a variety of reactions to Rogue One
from fans I know via social media.
I asked for short reactions, limited to two
sentences, and will present them by their first name, their profession and what Generation
they belong to. Hopefully, you will
enjoy these diverse reactions from my social media friends about Rogue One.
Greta, Retired, Baby Boomer Generation
One is a great addition to the Star Wars story, giving much more depth and
urgency to ANH. But (sorry) it didn't grab me the way The Empire Strikes Back
Kate, Marketing Professional, Millennial
“After the initial shock of a saga-less
Star Wars I became increasingly more captivating by Rogue One. The emotional intensity, dazzling special effects and
climactic ending cemented this film into a solid start for the first of many
Star Wars stories to come.”
Amy, Mother/Direct Support Professional, Millennial
One was visually stunning, but some of the choices that the story made did
not resonate with me. This film left me feeling defeated and emotionally
exhausted and multiple viewings aren't going to happen for me.”
Pippa, Author, Generation X
One is a must-see for even non-Star Wars fans, but be prepared for gritty
realism and tragedy. Dark, action-packed and no sugar coating: this is a true
war film and will change your view of A
New Hope forever.”
Viv, Writer, Generation X
One was the prequel I wanted all those years ago, a
story more about characters and struggle than set pieces and silliness. It is
one with the Force.”
Christina, stay-at-home-mom, Millennial
One was the prequel I always wanted because it
answered all the questions I had at the beginning of A New Hope, but soon forgot because that story didn't require them.
While not my favorite or least favorite Star Wars movie, it does fit perfectly
with all the rest.”
Stewart, Marketing Manager, Millennial
“Rogue One mostly eschews the mythological
and ramps up the reality, yet maintains that sense of Star Wars wonder. I felt
as if I was living Rogue One in the
cinema; I'm still living it after multiple viewings as I mainline Michael
Giacchino's score and consume the related books.”
Connie, Teacher, Generation X
"I love all the nuances of Rogue One and believe that it's a worthy
addition to the Star Wars mythology. My perspective of A New Hope is forever changed for the better because of Rogue One.
9/10 😊"
So what is your short opinion of Rogue One?
Can you boil all your feelings and emotions for
this film down to two sentences?
You can add your short reviews to the
Thanks to TheBeardedTrio.com for hosting me
again so soon! May The Force Be With You!
Patty Hammond (@pattyBones2) is the
Everyday Fangirl from Michigan who has a disguise as a mild mannered data
analyst. Patty is very active in the Star Wars community. You can find
her posting about Star Wars and much more on her blog EverydayFangirl.com and of course on Twitter @Pattybones2.
The Bearded Trio - The Site For Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, John Williams and a whole lot more.
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