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Doctor Who Joins Lego Dimensions Video Game -- UPDATED

As announced at San Diego Comic-Con, Doctor Who will be joining the Lego Dimensions video game! According to GameSpot, here is what players can expect when the game becomes available on September 27:

  • All of the Doctors will be playable in Lego form, even the War Doctor. When your character dies, you'll regenerate as the first Doctor then cycle through the series again.
  • Depending on which Doctor you play as, the interior of your TARDIS will change -- playing as the first Doctor will give you an old-school, black-and-white time machine.
  • A jukebox in the TARDIS will let you choose whichever version of the Dr. Who theme you want.
  • Peter Capaldi (Dr. Who), Jenna Coleman (Clara Oswald), and Michelle Gomez (Missy) will also lend their voices to game.
  • Other playable characters available for purchase as physical Lego Minifigs include a Cyberman, Dalek, and K-9.

  • Check out the official trailer for the game via BBC America:

    Visit GameSpot to see their interview with Peter Capaldi from SDCC.

    For more on Lego Dimensions, please visit

    UPDATED to include the official press release:

    Doctor Who™ Travels Across Time and Space in LEGO® Dimensions™

    Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment revealed today at San Diego Comic-Con details about Doctor Who™ in LEGO® Dimensions™, the upcoming entertainment experience that allows players to expand their imaginations beyond traditional gaming to merge physical LEGO brick building with interactive console gameplay.  Peter Capaldi, who plays the 12th Doctor, Jenna Coleman, who plays Clara Oswald, and Michelle Gomez, who plays Missy, will voice their respective characters from the long running British science fiction television series in LEGO Dimensions.

    In a new trailer giving the first look at the Doctor Who gameplay, worlds collide in ways only possible in LEGO Dimensions, such as the TARDIS popping up in Gotham City and Hill Valley, the Doctor battling alongside Homer Simpson in Aperture Science, riding a haunted mine car with Scooby and Shaggy, or fighting alongside Kai and Cragger in a Ninjago battle arena. 

    Doctor Who, which has never before been in a LEGO videogame, will be playable in the LEGO Dimensions Starter Pack with a complete Doctor Who level where the game’s heroes continue their quest while encountering Daleks, Cybermen and other adversaries from the Whoniverse.

    Fans who want more Doctor Who in LEGO Dimensions will be able to purchase the Doctor Who Level Pack which includes an additional mission-based Doctor Who level, along with a LEGO minifigure of the 12th Doctor and LEGO models of the TARDIS and K-9, all playable in the game.  When the 12th Doctor is defeated in the level, he returns as the 1st Doctor and then regenerates back up to the 12th Doctor again.  The interior of the TARDIS will reflect the corresponding Doctor the player embodies or can be manually selected.  There’s even a jukebox inside where players can choose among different versions of the Doctor Who theme music.  The TARDIS and K-9 models can each be physically built and then rebuilt twice to do entirely different things in the digital game for massive variety.

    There will also be a Doctor Who Fun Pack, which includes a playable Cyberman minifigure and Dalek model which can be physically built and then rebuilt twice for a total of three different objects.

    Launching 29th September 2015, LEGO Dimensions will be available for Xbox One, the all-in one games and entertainment system from Microsoft and the Xbox 360 games and entertainment system from Microsoft, PlayStation®4 and PlayStation®3 computer entertainment systems and the Wii U™ system from Nintendo.

    Follow LEGO Dimensions at:
    Web site:
    Twitter:  (@LEGODimensions)
    Instagram:  (@LEGODimensions)
    Hashtag: #BreakTheRules 

    Thank you to Warner Bros Games for the press release.

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