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Cineworld Cinemas Already Has Dedicated Page For Star Wars VII

star wars episode vii

Way back in 1999 weeks before The Phantom Menace was due to blast on to cinema screens, fans were waiting patiently to get their hands on tickets for the long awaited prequel to Star Wars.

Advance tickets only went on sale after cinema owners put pressure on director and producer George Lucas. He initially banned early sales after fears ticket touts would muscle in. Tickets were limited to 12 per person.

One fan from Augusta, Georgia waited a week outside the cinema just to get a ticket for the movie attracting taunts from passers-by and media attention.  He said: "It was just intense. Cameras all in front of me, news crews and everything. It was more than I expected."  Some fans camped out in driving rain saying they've been waiting 16 years for this.

Speed up to present day and I feel the situation will be no different. Of course we will have more online bookings and the web will be able to cope with the influx of fans wanting to book early. In fact 
Cineworld Cinemas here in the UK have already got a page dedicated to the new Star Wars film, Star Wars VII, a whole 22 months before the film will grace our screens.

The buzz for the new Star Wars film started when Disney announced they were buying Lucasfilm and Star Wars VII, VIII and IX were on the way. The anticipation for these movies has increased daily with (the little) snippets of news fans have craved and found. If anything the anticipation is greater than the build up for the prequels is really based on the fact the new movies will be set in the “original trilogy” universe.

While browsing the web the other day I was curious to see if it was possible to prebook tickets for Star Wars VII here in the UK. Googling, one of the top results was Cineworlds page. COMING SOON are the first words that shout at you with, optimistically, a synopsis of the film. Don’t get too excited as the synopsis reads:

'Star Trek' director JJ Abrams takes the helm for the start of an epic 'Star Wars' sequel trilogy. Episode VII of the world's most popular space opera is co-written by 'Star Wars' veteran Lawrence Kasdan. He was co-writer of fan favourites 'The Empire Strikes Back' and 'Return of the Jedi'. Filming begins at Pinewood Studios early in 2014. Cast and story details are being kept strictly under wraps.
Also it seems Cineworld have every confidence in Star Wars VII, the same as the majority of fans as they quote their own magazine:
You should see this because:
The 'Star Wars' legacy is safe in the hands of Abrams and Kasdan, who promise some brilliant new adventures.

Now unfortunately they are not taking orders yet but one thing I did notice was the ability to book one of the screens itself and this got me thinking.  Could a private screening of Star Wars VII be possible?  Imagine that?  Imagine being able to have your very own private cinema for Star Wars VII?  Cost wise it would I imagine to make it affordable you would have to find enough people to fill the cinema to make the cost per head low enough to be affordable and attractive to friends, fans and guests.  I'm currently trying to get prices and if it is at all possible but stayed tuned for an update.  In the meantime head over to Cineworld's website and check out their pre-order page for Star Wars VII.

Rob Wainfur



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