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Star Wars Life Size Han Solo in Carbonite Now Available

Introducing The Film Cell's life sized Star Wars Han Solo frozen in carbonite replica and a couple of affordable alternatives.

Over at The Film Cell this week they have uploaded pictures of a life size Han Solo in carbonite replica that is now available to buy in the UK. The replica version of Harrison Ford frozen in carbonite is just like in the movies. Standing at seven and a half feet tall, every detail is as per the prop used in the Empire Strikes back and Return of the Jedi where Boba Fett receives a bounty for the wanted Solo. You too can now display Jabba’s prized possession and display this in your home theatres, cinemas, man caves, games rooms or movie theme pub if you are a land lord.

The life size Han Solo in Carbonite is a fantastic recreation made from mainly fiberglass and features film-accurate light effects in the base, vents at the side and power canisters to the rear. If you are looking for a Star Wars themed centerpiece for your home then you will be one of a very few that own this fantastic limited edition replica. They don’t come cheap at £6999.95 it’s a bit pricey but we guess you have to pay for quality as this is a limited edition made by Sideshow Collectables. There is some assembly required comes with full-color detailed instructions.

“Due to the size and price of this item it is only available for pre-order, these are our first images of this fantastic piece of Star Wars memorabilia that we received this week and full details have only just been released.” Said Mick Constable, company owner at The Film Cell. “ We are expecting loads more fantastic replicas to be released from the original Star Wars movies, now more and more news is leaking out about the new Star wars movie being release next December there will be some fantastic new merchandise on the website in the coming year or so.”

Below are some images of the life size Han Solo in Carbonite, click the image to see the full details.


However not everyone has, let’s call it, £7k lying around. So if you are looking for a more affordable Han Solo frozen in Carbonite replica, take a look at the below products that are also featured on The Film Cell’s website.
First up let’s take a look at their Han Solo in carbonite iPhone 5 case, which keeps you phone safe in this protective Star Wars case. It’s fantastic and it’s cool, well actually as it features Han Solo in carbonite it's virtually frozen. So you can’t get any cooler than this!

Next up they have a fantastic business card holder which also feature Han in his frozen state, so whether you are a sales man, business owner, director or you meet up with customers on a regular basis, or maybe you just want something to for personal use then the business card holders will stop your cards from bending and getting lost. Measuring at 10 x 6.5 cm this nice piece of Star Wars Memorabilia and is a nice weighty piece.
They also have a great range of Star Wars barware which are great for parties and come dine with me type dinner parties. You can open your guest’s beer bottles in style with this Han Solo in Carbonite bottle opener, which also has a magnetic back enabling you to easily display this piece for everyone to see.

As part of their range of Star Wars barware, they also have a selection of themed ice cube trays. With this silicone tray you can create your own mini versions of Han Solo frozen in carbonite which are ideal for cocktails and dinner drinks. But ice is just one of many things this silicone tray can make, being heat resistant (to 446F°) too you can also bake small cakes, create vodka jelly, make Han Solo shaped chocolates and loads more...
They even have a deluxe large version that is ideal for making large chocolate sculptures and birthday cakes. An ideal centerpiece at any Star wars themed party.

They even have a money box that also doubles as a highly detailed bust of Han Solo frozen in carbonite. “Our Star Wars money boxes keep all your Galactic Credits, Druggats, Peggats, Truguts and Wupiupis (loose change) safe, a great way to save for your next cinema trip.” At over 30cm high this is a really nice piece.



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