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A Look Back At Titan A.E.

titan a.e. poster

The first time I saw Titan A.E. I was blown away, I didn't know anything about at the time but the electric blue DVD case screamed at me from the shelf and I had to buy it.

The film is set in deep space after the destruction of Earth (A.E. -After Earth) by a race made from pure energy called the Drej. A band of humans race against the Drej to find the Titan; humanity's last hope to avoid extinction.

Unfortunately the film cost so much to make it was always going to struggle to recoup costs with
the likes of Matt Damon, Bill Pullman and Drew Barrymore heading up a star studded cast its clear that no expense was spared in production although I fear some was in the marketing side of things. As nobody (even to this day) seems to know who the target audience is, some seeing it as a kids film that adults may like and others seeing it as a cartoon for adults but in reality its somewhere in between much like the recent Clone Wars series is. Titan A.E. failed to make even half of it's $75 million budget at the box office which lead to the closure of Fox Animation Studios and to it being readily available in bargain bins around the world.

Traditional hand drawn characters are set against CGI environments that were state of the art at the time and stand up incredibly well even now to make Titan A.E. a breathtaking and unique viewing experience; the electric blue Drej are particularly striking against the black of space.

It doesn't just look good, it sounds good too. With a soundtrack consisting of original songs written for the movie by bands including Lit, Fun Loving Criminals and Powerman 5000 the film feels fresh and each song fits the story/theme of the scene which could never have happened if they'd used existing songs.

Ever since that first viewing I have raved about this film to anyone who'll listen to me and to my knowledge no one who has ever watched it on my recommendation has been disappointing.

An audio and visual treat with an exciting story (Joss Whedon was even involved in the script-writing process) that should entertain adults and kids alike. Its funny, heartfelt, full of great ideas and characters, its pretty much everything you could want in a good sci-film.




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