Simon Pegg has revealed that he is not pursuing a role in JJ Abrams's Star Wars: Episode VII
"It's not one of my great wishes to be in Star Wars, I'd love to go to the cinema and just watch it."Well that's good news. But he couldn't leave it there. In the interview with Industria magazine it also seems that Pegg, as usual, is taken every opportunity lately to express his dislike for the Star Wars prequels. We reported a few days ago that Pegg, in an interview with Total Film was expressing his distaste for the prequel movies, and here we are again a few days later.
"I'll always have a soft spot for George Lucas because he made the original films, but those prequels were dreadful and if he were making more Star Wars films, I'd be worried."
I get it! We all do. Shish! I mean I know the Prequels were not everyone's cup of tea and you have a right to dislike something but Pegg seems to go out of his way to keep reminding people of his distaste for them. Let it go Pegg. As RebelForce Radio keep saying. "Simon Frikking Pegg!"
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