A brand new Star Wars podcast has hit the web. Coffee with Kenobi is hosted by Dan Zehr and Cory Clubb. In this first episode, the hosts introduce themselves and explain what the new show is all about.
Make sure you subscribe to Coffee with Kenobi and leave them a review. It has a lot of potential. The quality is very high, sound quality spot on and the hosts are easy to listen to. I particularly like how they play music from the Star Wars movies in the background while they chat.
The first episode is 22 minutes long so ideal to listen to during your break. Here's the show notes from their site.
In Show # 1 we introduce the “thesis” of our Podcast, what it is all about, and how we came up with the concept. We will also introduce ourselves and how the Podcast came together. And finally, we will discuss some recent news that has been heading our way, and we will introduce our very first topic for discussion on show # 2.
For Coffee With Kenobi, we will discuss Higher level topics and questions that are not fact based, yes or no questions with easy answers-they feature multiple answers that can be proven based on knowledge of the content. For example, “What color is Luke’s Lightsaber in Return of the Jedi?” is fun, but not higher level. A better example would be, “Why is color important, in regards to Lightsabers? What does it signify for each character, and what does that tell us about the characterization of each Lightsaber wielder?
If you would like to respond to our question of the show, have a comment, or just want to say hello, send us an email at feedback@coffeewithkenobi.com, or if you have a specific question or comment for either of us individually, email us at danz@coffeewithkenobi.com or coryc@coffeewithkenobi.com or visit us at www.coffeewithkenobi.com and click on the comment section. If you enjoy the show, please write a review in iTunes. You can also “Like” the show on Facebook at Facebook.com/coffeewithkenobi; as well as keep up to date at our Twitter feed at Twitter.com/CoffeeWthKenobi
Awesome! Thanks for the plug! We hope everyone enjoys the show as much as we enjoy making it.