This week on our round of quick fire questions we have Chris "HothIcePlanet" Smith from the Sarlacc Pit podcast, the official podcast of Chris is also the author of one of the best (if not the best) Star Wars trivia books, Trivia From A Galaxy Far, Far Away: Star Wars Original Trilogy Edition. (Reviewed here)
Lets get started:
1 You're stuck in a swamp on Dagobah. What one movie, TV show, album and book would you take?
Star Wars Blu-ray saga, TV show: Friends, album: Star Wars soundtracks book: Bible
2 If you could invite any three people (alive or not, fictitious or not) to a dinner party, who would they be?
George Lucas, Steven Spielberg and John Williams
Good choice! - TBT
3 What is your favourite John Williams soundtrack?
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
Ranco Obi-Wan |
Go to Rancho Obi-Wan
5 When was the last time you cried?
about two months ago
6 What is your biggest fear?
Not accomplishing anything in life
7 What was the most embarrassing moment of your life?
Had plenty, but can't really think of one right now
8 Excluding search engines, what three website would you choose if no other websites were available?, ebay and amazon
9 Do you have any guilty pleasures?
Original Battlestar Galactica
10 What are you looking forward to the most in the next six months?
Trying to get my new book more in the public eye.
Chris's Trivia book. - One of the best too. |
My autographed print of a Star Wars Ralph McQuarrie piece.
12 What is your biggest regret?
Not taking my son (cat) to the vet sooner late last year. Because of it he passed away. I lost my best friend of 15 years.
13 what are you most proud of?
My new book, I would have never thought that I could actually write a book and it being Star Wars based.
14 What is your favourite Spielberg movie?
E.T. and Jaws.
15 Where can people keep in touch or follow you?,, Twitter: @hothiceplanet @sarlaccpitcast @classicstarwars
Big thanks to Chris "HothIcePlanet" for answering our questions. Please check out the podcast Sarlacc Pit. Great fun and listening to huge Star Wars fans talking Star Wars is never a bad thing. Also I can't recommend his trivia book enough. The questions are designed so everyone can play no matter what level of knowledge everybody has. Trivia From A Galaxy Far, Far Away: Star Wars Original Trilogy Edition. Next week we have Mark Newbold from
Rob Wainfur
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