Bonnie Burton the editor and writer broke the news today that Lucasfilm have laid her off. I normally have a non-negative feel to this website especially towards anything related to The Bearded Trio such as Lucasfilm and Star Wars but this decision by Lucasfilm just doesn't make sense. The content and the twitter account were just perfect. Bonnie's updates were informative and you could tell this was a passionate fan writing to passionate fans. The Twitter account hasn't been updated since the fifth of May and I feel that this hasn't done any good to their account and reputation. Why mess with something that isn't broken? Star Wars on Twitter was so interactive with all its fans. Considering how big Star Wars is, it still managed to tweet content from us bloggers and fans which would make you feel like you are part of the Star Wars universe. I hope this aspect will continue but I am really puzzled by Lucasfilms decision. I have always enjoyed her writing and especially look forward to her column in the SFX magazine every month. I hope she will find something ultimately as rewarding.
Rob - The Bearded Trio
Lucas, as the Lord, works in misterious ways... And, quite frankly, I sometimes feel as disappointed as Sheldon Cooper regarding SW.