Rango is a pet chameleon who lives in a terrarium. Everything is calm and comfortable and relaxing and quiet. Until, one day, he somehow ends up in the rough of an Old West town in the American southwest, whose name is actually “Dirt.” As he’s always thought himself a hero, Rango establishes himself as the lawman, strolling the streets as a sheriff like character. Unbeknown to him, the “good guy” role doesn’t do very well in Dirt -- with a whole cemetery filled with good guy tombstones. But that doesn’t stop Rango from trying, constantly seeking to fit in, with his surroundings, no matter how challenging -- just like a good chameleon! Check out the teaser trailer of this upcoming Nickelodeon and Paramount flick, due in theaters March 4th, 2011.
The Famous Indiana Jones Fly In Belloq's Mouth Scene. Did It Really Happen? I've always wondered if Paul Freeman unintentionally consumed a fly in this scene in Raiders of the Lost Ark ? It's the scene where Indiana Jones shouts down to Bellosh...I mean Belloq and threatens to blow up the ark. Did a fly go in his mouth? I remember watching this scene back in the early eighties and my ten year old mind thought he definitely had a snack while filming. I recall talking about 'flygate' in my school playground at the time and the general consensus with my friends was that Freeman definitely had a sneaky snack. Paul Freeman talks about the famous 'fly' scene in an interview with TheIndyExperience.com and settled 'flygate:' This is a bit of a dicey question so don’t get too upset. (Laughs) A movie’s always got bloopers in it, some have a lot, and some only have three or four. And the most remarkable blooper was right before the opening of th
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