This image is Ralph McQuarrie's only contribution to the film Raiders of the Lost Ark. This pen drawing depicting the power of the Ark was used to create the illustration for the prop bible in the film. For the figures in the foreground, he took reference photos of several ILM employees. The staining on the right is where the oversized image was taped together, and no, the text on the page doesn't actually translate into anything. At the time it was created, Ralph never could have imagined that people might someday have the opportunity to stand within inches of the drawing to actually try and read it.
Seen at A Gallery of Imagination: The Star Wars Art of Ralph McQuarrie at Celebration V.
The Famous Indiana Jones Fly In Belloq's Mouth Scene. Did It Really Happen? I've always wondered if Paul Freeman unintentionally consumed a fly in this scene in Raiders of the Lost Ark ? It's the scene where Indiana Jones shouts down to Bellosh...I mean Belloq and threatens to blow up the ark. Did a fly go in his mouth? I remember watching this scene back in the early eighties and my ten year old mind thought he definitely had a snack while filming. I recall talking about 'flygate' in my school playground at the time and the general consensus with my friends was that Freeman definitely had a sneaky snack. Paul Freeman talks about the famous 'fly' scene in an interview with and settled 'flygate:' This is a bit of a dicey question so don’t get too upset. (Laughs) A movie’s always got bloopers in it, some have a lot, and some only have three or four. And the most remarkable blooper was right before the opening of th...
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