Pink Five is a Star Wars fan film that made its debut on the Internet in 2002. It was written and directed by Trey Stokes and stars Amy Earhart as Stacey (aka Pink Five), a fast-talking Valley Girl-type dropped into an X-Wing cockpit during the Battle of Yavin, and presents familiar events and story points from Episode IV from a very different point-of-view.
The film has proven popular with Star Wars fans, winning rave reviews and the George Lucas Selects Award in the AtomFilms- and Lucasfilm-sponsored 2003 Official Star Wars Fan Film Awards, and even played at the 2005 Cannes Film Festival.
Two sequels have been made: Pink Five Strikes Back (2004) and Return of Pink Five (2006).
2020 update - Still waiting! The only thing we have is episode one and no update since 2013.
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